Chapter 50: Van

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'Go find your fiancée.'

Van clenched his jaw. As if Amani dismissed him like that and she still didn't answer his question. He leaned against the stone balcony and looked at the gardens below.

What the fuck am I doing? Why the hell did I dance with her like that?

His lips curved into a grin, but she felt so good in his arms.


He had to stop these thoughts. Amani was right, he should've found Rebecca. He couldn't forget his purpose. He had to protect the manor and Amani. What if Rebecca saw them? No, if she did, he wouldn't be standing here. She would've found him by now to threaten him again.

I'm fine. Everything is fine.

"So, Blarcum..." Declan grinned and leaned against the balcony next to him.

Everything is shite.

"What do you want?"

"Your assistant. She's quite the lass," he chuckled. Van slid his eyes to Declan and his jaw ticked at the lecherous gleam in his dirt brown orbs. "She's not going to want to be your assistant for long. You wouldn't mind if I snatched her up? She'd make an excellent mistress."

"Too bloody right, Dec. I'd never let that woman leave my bed," Callum, one of Declan's plebs, mused next to him.

Van glared at them. "Don't talk about her like that."

"Oh, come on, Van." Declan smirked. "You can't tell me you haven't already fucked her or at least thought about it."

"Yeah those fuckin tits in that dress." Callum grinned and squeezed his hands as if he were fondling them. "She's practically asking for it tonight."

Van pushed away from the balcony and his hands curled into fist. "I said, don't talk about her like that," he growled and kept his eyes hard on the two seedy men. 

They stared at him and burst out laughing. "Why the fuck do you care? She's no one, just another tart looking for a Mionlach to shag." Declan scoffed while Callum continued to laugh.

"And I plan on doing just that." Callum grinned. "Excuse me gentlemen, I've got an American to fuck."

A burning rage washed over Van.

Amani is not a tart or a toy for the Mionlach to play with.

His fists shook at his sides and his lip curled into a snarl. Before Callum took a step toward the house, Van pulled his fist back and punched him square in the face. Blood spurt from Callum's nose as Van landed another punch to his face and knocked him to the ground.

"What the fuck? You crazy bastard!" Declan screamed in shock at his friend that was passed out cold on the ground.

Van turned his dark eyes on him. Declan's eyes grew wide and he held up his hands as he took a small step away from him. "B-Blarcum..."

Van grabbed him by his throat and squeezed it tight. "If you lay a finger on my assistant, I will fucking murder you." He watched as Declan gasped for air. His face turned red and tears rolled down his cheeks.

Bloody piece of shite. I should strangle him right here for saying those disgusting things about my little witch.

"Van! Mate! Let him go!" Hamdi called to him and snapped him out of his rage. Van snarled at Declan and shoved him into the balcony before he released him.

"Bloody hell," Hamdi breathed as he looked at Callum's bloody face and comatose form sprawled on the floor.

Declan choked and gasped for air as he slid to the ground. "You're fucking insane, Blarcum." 

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