Chapter 7: Van

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"How much longer, Benny?" Van sighed and poured himself a glass of whisky as he stared out his office window. He eyed his staff standing along the steps of the manor waiting for Miss Blake to arrive. He shook his head in irritation. His new assistant was ten minutes late already. He couldn't stand people who didn't respect his time. Punctuality was a must for him.

"They should be here any minute, m'Lord. Her flight from Edinburgh to Stornoway was delayed. It's not her fault she's late," Benny said.

"Fine, but you know I hate waiting for people," he grumbled. This better be the last time he had to wait for her. She was lucky he was even there to greet her. There were a million other things he'd rather be doing. He could be tending to his horses. He hadn't brushed or fed any of them today and he didn't like it when the other farmhands did it.

He sighed again as he took another drink from his glass. If she took any longer, he was going to do just that. He hated socializing and this was just another reason why. Maybe if people were more like animals, he wouldn't mind them so much. Animals were loyal. They didn't waste your time or stab you in the back. 

He closed his eyes. 

I just have to be cordial. I'll just say hello and then I can tend to my horses like I want to. 

"Miss Blake has arrived, m'Lord," Benny called. 

Van threw back the rest of his drink and followed behind Benny to the foyer to meet his new assistant. They were all the same. Business skirts, dress pants, hair tightly done and business written all over their face. Only to find out they couldn't handle getting their heels stuck in the mud when they had to summon him, but he needed an assistant.

So, here we go, Blarcum. I can't lose another least not on the first day.

"Miss Blake! We're so glad you decided to join our staff," Benny exclaimed as he walked outside.

Van rounded the corner to the foyer and caught a glimpse of her smiling face.

"Mr. Auld! It's no problem I've always wanted to come to Scotland. Thank you for hiring me." 

His heart thumped and his breath caught in his throat. The sound of her adorable American accent and her infectious laughter almost made him want to laugh too.

What bloody sorcery is this?

What bloody sorcery is this?

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