Chapter 81: Amani

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Amani hummed to herself as she cut up some potatoes, peppers, and onions. She and Jade had come accustomed to making breakfast together in the open kitchen of their little Italian oasis. The townhouse was in the center of Florence and just steps away from the Duomo. Jade hadn't shut up about how much she loved the townhouse, the bustling city, and the beautiful people. She and Arthur had made it a habit to go out to the markets every morning to buy fresh food. Which was odd for Jade as she hated getting up early.

Amani smiled at her as she delicately cracked some eggs into a pan. Arthur was sitting at the kitchen island slowly sipping on his coffee  as he watched Jade work. Amani couldn't believe how quickly those two had become friends.

Well, for now.

Amani saw the looks they gave each other. She even caught them holding hands for a brief moment when they took a walk through the Boboli gardens. She really liked Arthur too. Amani hadn't been able to get to know him without Rory around. Arthur was such a sweet man and he was definitely not the quiet soul she originally thought. He was quite the joker when he wanted to be and she'd never heard Jade laugh the way she did with him.

Maybe this could develop into something real. Jade deserved a good wholesome man like Arthur.

"So, today is the last day for me to win this bet. Lord Blarcum better not make me lose fifty bucks to your ass," Jade huffed as she slid a hand to her hip.

Amani shook her head. "He's not coming." She'd already given up on him getting away from Rebecca. She knew he was determined to, but he should've gotten evidence on her by now. He'd been there for over a week. She wanted to message him. She'd started so many texts but she didn't want to be disappointed if he told her he couldn't get away.

I'd rather just suffer in silence.

"He still has sixteen hours to get here. If m'Lord is determined, he'll find a way to get what he wants." Arthur piped into the conversation and smiled as he sipped on his coffee.

Amani's cheeks burned up to her ears and Jade grinned next to her. "Mm-hm, Arthur knows. Lord Blarcum's not going to fuck up my bet."

"You're outnumbered here, Amani. I'm with those two. Van will be here." Marie yawned as she shuffled into the kitchen with her tired eyes sparkling with mischief. "I'd also like to add to this bet everyone has going on."

Amani groaned and threw her head back. "No, because you're going to add something stupid to do with what I wear."

Marie looked at Jade and they both burst into giggles. Amani glared at them. They'd become fast fucking friends too.

"What else would I bet? Come on, you know I love hooking you up. If Van shows up before we go out tonight, you have to let me dress you and do your makeup." Marie grinned.

Jade beamed and clapped her hands. "And I get to do your hair."

Amani shook her head at those two idiots. They wouldn't be doing any of that shit tonight because Van wasn't coming. Even if he did, he'd never make it before they went out. She had nothing to worry about. A smug grin spread across her face. "Whatever, I'll take the bet." She smirked. "There's no way he'll get here before tonight, so you bitches are going to lose." She laughed and turned around to put the vegetables and potatoes in a pan.

"Oh, that's where you'd be wrong, little witch."

Amani's eyes grew wide. Her heart thumped in her chest at the sound of Van's voice. She choked out a laugh.

There's no way he's here right now.

She slowly turned around and sure enough, Van was leaning against the doorway. A grin curled over his lips and his emerald eyes sparkled with amusement.

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