Chapter 73: Lady Fife

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Rebecca crossed her arms over her chest as she sat next to Gemma in economy class on this bloody plane. She was supposed to be in first class with Van, but he downgraded her ticket and bought another first class ticket for that fucking mutt. All because Amani didn't want Nova riding in cargo again. So now, Rebecca had to sit in the scummy class while that ridiculous dog got to sit in her seat.

She shouldn't even be on this plane. If Van would use his family's private jet for once. 'It's bad for the environment' he used to tell her. She rolled her eyes and pouted as she shrank away from the oversized man squishing against her

Of course, I'd have to sit in the middle of two bloody plum people. This is humiliating.

"It's alright, m'Lady. It's only a short flight," Gemma chirped and pat her leg.

"It's not alright," she scowled. "A dog and an assistant are sitting in first class next to my fiancé. This is wrong, Gemma and you should've fixed it."

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know Lord Blarcum was going to --"

"I don't want to hear your excuses. This trip was a complete disaster," Rebecca huffed and reclined her seat.

"You're crushing my legs," the passenger behind her grumbled and kicked her seat.

This is an absolute disgrace. I hate sitting with these low-class plebs.

She pulled her seat back up and glared at Gemma. "You're lucky I haven't fired you."

This wasn't how she should be treated. Amani had somehow managed to ruin everything again. Tye was a good fuck, but he was no help either. He just disappeared without a word.

The bloody con.

Tye just took her money and used her to get to Van. He didn't do what she paid him to. He distracted that tart for two days and Van still went chasing after Amani. They spent the whole bloody day together - doing God knows what. Van didn't even ask Rebecca to come with them. He and Amani just left with their stupid dog on a family fucking outing.

It was so cute it made me sick.

Rebecca waited for them to come back from their little outing and planned to give them both a piece of her mind. She positioned herself on one of the couches in the foyer. It was the perfect spot to see them the minute they opened the door, but she fell asleep by the time they'd returned. Rebecca woke up to find Van carrying Amani's sleeping form to her room with that scuzzy mutt following after him.

She clenched her fists. It burned her the way he cared for that tramp. Rebecca couldn't remember him ever carrying her to bed or being so attentive like he was with Amani. Van played his part well around the Mionlach and the influencers, but when he wasn't posing for a picture with her, his eyes were always on fucking Amani wherever she went.

What does he bloody see in her? She's so plain.

The turd never wore anything high-end and she hardly wore makeup. She was just - ugh...she was boring. Amani wasn't Van's type at all. What value could she bring to him? She was from the slums of Detroit, she had no assets, and she was poor. That low life didn't deserve to sit in first class next to a man like Van. He was too good for her and she had no place in his world.

In *our* world.

Rebecca scrolled through her phone and looked at the picture her influencers posted of them all over their social media accounts. She delighted in the amount of likes and comments. So many people complimented them on how perfect they looked together and asked if they'd set a wedding date yet.

"See, it wasn't a disaster, m'Lady. You and Lord Blarcum are the cutest couple. Everyone can see that," Gemma gushed.

Rebecca snarled. "But he doesn't want to be with me," she growled. "He wants to be with that fucking low-class bitch."

"He can't be with her. Lady Blarcum would never let that happen. She owns him and she wants him to be with you. You have nothing to worry about."

Yes, that's right. Catriona owned Van and she wanted me to marry her son. Not that dirty skank.

"You are a genius, Gemma. When we get back, I need you to schedule a meeting with Lady Blarcum for me. We need to have lunch."

Rebecca closed her eyes and a smug smile tugged at her lips. A little chat with his mother would make him pay more attention to her. Especially when Catriona threatened his precious manor again.

I have nothing to worry about. Van is still very much mine. That sneaky little assistant will never take him away from me.

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