Chapter 54: Amani

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Amani groaned. Her head was pounding. She slid her eyes open and her heart thumped. Her face was pressed against a warm, hard chest and the intoxicating cedarwood scent of Lord Blarcum filled her senses.

Oh no. No, no, nooo. How did we end up like this?! Why...why is my face on his bare fucking chest? And why is my hand...Oh God!

She slowly slid her hand from the back of his pants. Lord Blarcum stirred and she froze. He sighed and tangled his fingers in her hair. Amani's eyes grew wide as he squeezed her ass cheek with his other hand.

"Mm, so soft..." he mumbled and a soft snore escaped his lips.

She blushed and bit her cheeks to stop from laughing at this ridiculous situation.

This is not funny, Amani! And stop enjoying that man's hand on your ass!

She needed to get out of here. She looked down at his hand underneath the slit in her dress. She bit her lip. She could enjoy this for a few more minutes.

No. No, nooo. What am I doing? This is my boss and he's fucking engaged! Sweet Jesus, I need to get it together.

They shouldn't be sleeping together like this. How did she even end up in his room? All she remembered was sitting on the porch and she—


Her cheeks burned up to her ears.

I almost kissed him!

She cringed and slid her hand to her face. They couldn't drink together ever again. She had to get out of here. She needed to keep herself away from this man. They were friends and friends didn't end up in bed together with their hands on each other's asses—and furthermore, he was getting married!

You're better than this, girl. I have far more dignity than to mess around with a taken man. I don't care that he's not in love with Rebecca.

She slowly slid his hand from her ass and slid her hips away from him. Lord Blarcum had the manor to protect. If Lady Fife or Lady Blarcum ever caught them in a situation like this, he would lose everything, and Amani wasn't sure what sinister thing those two would do to her.

Lady Fife and Lady Blarcum probably started to look for dirt on her already. Amani smirked and slowly slid her head from underneath Lord Blarcum's hand. They wouldn't find anything, Amani's record was completely clean. That was the only good thing about Tye. He never got her involved in anything that would ruin her future.

Amani quietly slid off out of Lord Blarcum's arms and off the bed. She lay on the floor and stared at the burgundy ceiling. She frowned as her eyes traveled around the dark wood trim and the dark leather furniture in the room. It was like a damn cave in here.

Focus, Amani. Fuck, I'm still drunk.

She slowly sat up and stared at Lord Blarcum's sleeping face. Her eyes lingered on his neck and swept slowly over his broad chiseled chest to the shadow of dark hair that trailed down his stomach to his waist line.

Goddamn. He's painfully sexy.

Amani knew they could never end up like this again, but shit, she'd love nothing more than to wake up in his arms again. She shook her head and got up from the floor. She grabbed her shawl and clutch from the leather chair next to his bed and softly padded to the door to slip out quietly into the hall. She let out a breath as the door closed with a soft click behind her. A grin graced her lips as she leisurely walked down the hall to her room.

I am going to savor that memory.

"I'm here to see my fiancé!"

Amani's heart dropped to her stomach as she quickly backed up behind the wall. She peered around the corner to see Lady Fife marching across the foyer to the stairs.

Fuuuuuck! I'm going to get caught!

There was no way for her to get to her bedroom without Lady Fife seeing her. Her heart raced as she tried to figure out what the hell to do. A door opened down the hall and Marie and Hamdi calmly walked out. Amani waved her hands at them in a silent panic to get their attention. She mouthed 'help me' and pointed toward the stairs. Hamdi stifled a laugh while Marie grinned at her and mouthed, 'we got you,' before they walked to the top of the stairs and blocked Lady Fife's pursuit.

Amani frowned at the couple as she listened to them persuade Lady Fife to have a cup of tea and wait for Benny to wake Lord Blarcum. Marie and Hamdi didn't even look surprised that she was doing the walk of shame from Lord Blarcum's room.

"Go on, lassie. It's safe now." Benny smiled to her as he rounded the corner.

"Th-thank you." She blushed and hurried down the hall to her room.

Amani closed the door and flopped on her bed.

What the fuck?

She groaned and covered her mouth as nausea washed over her. She popped up from the bed and ran to the bathroom to vomit.

Queue the fucking hangover. This is what my dumbass gets for drinking like that and acting so reckless.

She cringed and hurled into the toilet again.

Oh God, let it pass quickly and I swear I won't do this again.

She hugged the toilet.

Who am I kidding? God doesn't believe that damn lie.

Who am I kidding? God doesn't believe that damn lie

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