Chapter 37: Amani

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Amani was sitting up in her bed, slowly sipping on a cup of tea as she leisurely went through her emails. She decided to start slow today after that eventful weekend. She couldn't believe Lord Blarcum considered her a friend.

Don't get giddy, Amani.

Yes, she needed to be cool about this. Still... it felt good to know he thought of her as more than his assistant. It meant he trusted her on a personal level. She bit her lip to fight the blush that burned on her cheeks. They were just friends and it wasn't like he confessed his love for her or something.

He'd never do something like that because he was promised to someone else –to Lady Fife. 

He'd never see her like that anyway. Amani saw the way his mother looked at her. She saw the belittling look behind her smiling eyes. She thought she was beneath her.

Lady Blarcum wasn't wrong. What could she offer Lord Blarcum? She wasn't like Lady Fife or Marie. She didn't belong in the Mionlach. She was just a commoner. A poor girl from Detroit. He'd never consider her more than a friend.

"Miss Blake!" Sara yelled as she threw her bedroom door open.

Amani jumped and nearly spilled her tea. "Sara! What's going on?" 

Sara rushed to her wardrobe and hurriedly sifted through her clothes. "You need to get dressed. Lady Blarcum has just arrived."

"What?!" Amani shrieked as she fumbled out of bed. It wasn't even nine o'clock and she was here?! Lady Blarcum was never going to wait for her to schedule a meeting.

"I know, Miss. None of us were expecting her. Mr. Auld is stalling her and Lord Blarcum is in a terrible mood. He's refusing to see her until you're present. So, you need to hurry up. I'll get your clothes ready," she said as she pushed Amani into the bathroom.

Oh great.

Lord Blarcum was back to his gruff self, but why was he refusing to meet his mother without her? She didn't need to be privy to their conversation, which she knew was going to be all about Lady Fife.

Her heart sank as she stepped into the shower. She was hoping to avoid that whole situation. She didn't want to hear Lady Blarcum's plan for him to woo that woman. She should've known she wasn't going to be able to ignore it. She was his damn assistant. She'd be the one to schedule all their stupid outings and dates. Her jaw went slack. She didn't like that at all.

Calm yourself, Amani. This is your job.

She took a deep breath. She could do this. She didn't take this job to fall for her painfully handsome boss. No, she took this job for adventure and a chance to live in her favorite country. She would sit proudly in the meeting with Lord Blarcum and his mother. She would take notes and she would plan anything she was told to. Even if she didn't like the way that slender redhead pushed herself on to Lord Blarcum.

She turned the shower off and angrily wrapped a towel around herself. Lord Blarcum didn't even like Lady Fife! How could he let his mother force him into this? She yanked the bathroom door open causing Sara to jump as she picked up her tea tray. "Are you alright, Miss?"

Amani eyed the simple short-sleeved black dress lying on her bed. It was paired with matte black heels and a rope of faux pearls. It was so corporate. Lord Blarcum wouldn't like this.

"I'm fine," she murmured. "Do I have to be so corporate around Lady Blarcum?"

"Yes, Miss Blake. Lady Blarcum values tradition," she said and bowed slightly as she left the room.

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