Chapter 80: Van

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It had been five days since Van had been at the Fifes and he hadn't been able to catch Rebecca and Declan doing anything. He endured Christmas day with her family and expertly avoided any drinks Rebecca served him. He didn't trust her not to spike his drink especially since she'd been whining about not having any racy photos of them. He knew that meant her friends had been asking about them.

That's too bad. She won't be getting any lewd pictures of me. My body isn't for her anymore.

He thought he'd be safe from her once Declan arrived with his family, but Rebecca hadn't given up yet. He set up the mini surveillance equipment Amani gave him and it had been working like a charm, but Rebecca had been acting extremely loyal. His aloofness wasn't bothering her. He specifically hid away from all her guests and the Mionlach as much as possible. He thought for sure she'd be tired of it by now and she'd start sneaking around with Declan.

The only good thing that had come of this trip so far was reading that damn book Amani loved. He sighed and picked it up from the pine desk in his room. He checked the recording device tucked behind the mirror to make sure it was still on. He picked up the black case and took the book with him to pad across the room to the bed. He slid the spy kit under the sideboard and climbed into bed. He didn't trust leaving any of the equipment out in plain sight and he didn't trust the Fife's cleaning staff any more than he trusted the Mionlach. They were all corrupt.

He laid back against the headboard and opened the book to his bookmarked place. He couldn't believe he was actually enjoying this novel. He grinned and flipped back through the pages. He stopped to re-read a passage about the female lead, Ariana, meeting the Duke for the first time.

Duke Aiton was a cold and distant man. His dark features were brightened only by his ocean blue eyes. But Ariana saw something else in him. She could see the warmth in his soul and she was determined to bring it out of him.

Van loved that part. Ariana's character reminded him so much of Amani. She was a strong determined woman who wasn't willing to let the Duke walk all over her or treat her like his other servants. He chuckled at the similarities between him and Duke Aiton. A brooding man who drank too much and would rather be on the battlefield or with his horses than the other royalty he was meant to socialize with. But the Duke had a heart as 'big as the sea' and would do anything for those he loved.

A blush burned over Van's cheeks. His little witch hadn't been looking for a Duke. She'd been looking for someone like him.

Calm down, Blarcum. You don't know that for sure.

It was just a coincidence and he was just seeing similarities that weren't there.

He flipped back to his bookmarked place and read a few lines. A grin tugged at his lips. Ariana and Duke Aiton have found themselves in the throes of passion. Van slid down into the pillows and engrossed himself in their passionate love making.

He wrapped her hair in his fist and pulled her back against his chest. His lips trailed over her neck and he left small kisses and tender bites over her skin.

She moaned and cried out as he thrust deep inside of her. He groaned and pinched and caressed her hard nipples...

So, this was what his little witch liked. Van slid his hand under the waistband of his boxers and slowly stroked himself as he let himself get lost in the words on the page. There was nothing wrong with fantasizing about Amani.

No harm ever came from make-believe.

No harm ever came from make-believe

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