Chapter 26: Van

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How could he forget he was going to have to spend the whole weekend in Edinburgh with Amani? How did that important piece of information slip his damn mind?

Van watched Amani braid her hair around her head with headphones stuck in her ears as she negotiated with the hotel over the particulars of his stay. More specifically, the whiskey selection she'd asked for.

His lip twitched and ached to smile. He'd never paid much attention to his help, but the way she organized his affairs seemed a bit more personal than a job. It was as if she truly cared about his needs more than her own.

He glared at her. 

For fuck's sake. 

She was still doing her hair. That bothered him. He may have told her not to be late, but this was unacceptable. She shouldn't put her needs aside for him. He would've waited for her to finish getting ready.

I would've what? I wait for no one. 

That was why that little detail slipped his mind because he was always so damn captivated by her to pay attention to anything else.

"No, that's not the whiskey I asked for. I literally sent you a picture and a description...This is Scotland, for heaven's sake, what do you mean you don't have any of the local whiskey I requested?" Amani roared at her phone. Her fingers stopping mid-braid to listen to the concierge. "Sir, we're going to be there in a few hours, for the sake of your hotel, you better find the whiskey. Lord Blarcum will not appreciate this mess up. I would hate for your establishment to lose his business," she huffed and continued to braid her hair.

Van bit his cheeks from laughing. She was such a fierce lass. He didn't know why the hotel was bothering to argue with her. She would always get what she wanted, by her sheer determined will or because he would make it so.

I will make it, what? 

Those damn thoughts were why he didn't need to be around her this weekend. Especially, not after waking up to her in his arms. He hadn't stopped thinking about the feel of her soft body pressed against his and the sweet shea butter smell of her hair.

He swiped his thumb across his phone to exit the game he was playing. He needed to get that little witch out of his mind. He shouldn't be thinking about the way her shapely ass fit so nicely in his palm, or the way her bosom felt pressed against his side.

No, no no, Blarcum! 

He scowled and opened his text messages. He needed a damn distraction this weekend.

Van >>Please, for the love of God, tell me you and Marie are going to the St. Andrews charity tournament?<<

He quickly sent the message to Hamdi. He knew Hamdi and Marie were coming to visit in a few weeks, but he could really use his best friend as a buffer this weekend. There was a good chance Hamdi would have some hobnobbing to do at the tournament.

Hamdi >>I was JUST about to ask you if you'll be here! When are you getting to Edinburgh?<<

Van let out a relieved sigh and responded to his mate.

Van >>I'll be there around four. Catching a flight at two thirty.<<

Hamdi >>Excellent. Is your new assistant coming with you?<<

Van >>Yes, and I need you to distract me from her.<<

Hamdi >>Distract? like her, don't you?<<

Van >>No. She's annoying and I need your interference.<<

Hamdi >>Sure, I got you, mate. But Rebecca will be more of a distraction for you than I will.<<

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