Chapter 55: Van

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Van groaned as he slid a hand to his head. He frowned when a feather tickled his nose. He opened his eyes and stared at Amani's golden headpiece in his fingers.

Oh fuck.

He sat up and looked around his room as if she'd still be there. He cringed and put his head in his hands.

I really fucked up this time. Why did she have to wake up before me?

He was doing so well at hiding these—innocent—sleepovers from her. Van's heart thumped and his eyes grew wide.

Oh God, where were my hands?!

Probably on her fucking ass again.

That's what I get for drinking so damn much.

A blushed scored his cheeks as he laughed at himself. He picked up Amani's headpiece and twirled it around in his fingers. He couldn't say he was upset about what had happened. He just wished he'd woken up before her. He could only imagine what she must be thinking about him now.

Van's door burst open, jumping him out of his thoughts. He quickly shoved the headpiece under the blanket and glared at Benny standing in the doorway. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Apologies, m'Lord, but Lady Fife is here to see you."

Van groaned and cursed under his breath. Of course Rebecca would show up after last night. "What does she want?" he grumbled and ran a hand over his face.

Van didn't know why he asked. He knew why she was here. She'd either saw him and Amani dancing or someone told her.

Bloody hell. I'm far too hungover for this shite.

"She wishes to speak with you. She didn't give a reason."

"Of course she does," he mumbled and his heart thumped. He clutched Amani's headpiece in his hand.

What if Rebecca saw Amani leave my room? Oh God, when did she leave?

"Have...have you seen Amani this morning? I...I need her to..."

Fuck, think of something, Blarcum.

Benny chuckled and his eyes shone with amusement. "Lady Fife didn't see her leaving your room if that's what you're asking."

Van's cheeks burned as he stared at him and cringed. "Who else knows she slept in my room?"

He was too bloody drunk last night to think of the consequences of her sleeping in here! It was bad enough Marie caught them together in Edinburgh. If his staff knew Amani slept in his room, they'd never shut up about it. They'd gossip too much for something like this.

"Don't worry, it's only, me Lydie and the Hakimis who know," Benny said and glared at him. "But you can't let that happen again. Not if you're going to commit yourself to Lady Fife."

Van looked down at his hands at the golden headpiece in his hand. "I don't want to marry her."

"I know you don't." Benny sighed. "But you're not going to treat Amani like your mistress." 

Van winced at his words. Amani deserved so much more than that and he wouldn't jeopardize her dignity. He shouldn't have been so careless last night. "I wouldn't do that to her. We're just friends."

"Mm-hm. You need to keep it that way until you figure out how to get out of this engagement."

Van's head shot up. "What are you talking about? You know my mother has complete control over me. There's nothing I can do to get out of this bloody engagement," he said as he threw the blankets off himself and got out of bed.

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