Chapter 93: Van

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A devilish grin spread across Van's face as he looked through the notifications on his phone. Gemma actually fucking did it. He had access to all his mother's files on her computer and her phone. He wasn't sure he could trust her, but after he told Marie and Hamdi what she did to help Amani. His guards convinced him to involve her in the plan. So far, they were right.

"Alright, I've got all of the anonymous social media posts ready for Catriona and Rebecca. I've tipped off the press that something is going to happen at Catriona's tonight and I've got the police on speed dial," Marie told him as she slid a headset over her head. Her determined eyes were glued to three computer monitors in front of her as she typed some information on the keypad.

"Good, do you have the link to the spyware?"

"I just got it." She grinned and slapped her hands together. "Catriona has been up to some shady shit." She looked up at him with a proud gleam in her eyes. "This is going to work, Van."

He let out a breath.

I bloody hope so.

He clenched his teeth and secured the straps on his bulletproof vest. "This better fucking work."

Hamdi slapped his hand on his shoulder and squeezed it tight. "It's going to work. You're going to get Amani, and we're going to make it so your mother never fucks with you or your family again."

"That's right, m'Lord." Niamh nodded as he sliding on a pair of gloves while the rest of his agents equipped themselves for battle around him. "Lady Blarcum won't be able to sweet talk herself out of this."

"And the best part is, she and her fuckwit guards won't see it coming," Brody growled.

He'd been taking it the hardest that he failed Amani and Van couldn't blame him. Brody had never missed a mark or failed to protect his charge. This was really eating him up and Van was glad for it. It meant he wouldn't fail him tonight.

None of them will.

They knew what was at stake and how important it was that they got this right. The only part of the plan that bothered him was depending on Gemma to sneak them into his mother's house. If Gemma fucked up, he was going to plan B and no one had better stop his bloody rage. He wasn't leaving that vile woman's house without Amani. He didn't care who he had to kill to get her back.

Van scanned the room with his eyes hard on everyone. "Don't fuck this up. That's the woman I love and the mother of my child in that house. None of you better get in my way once we're inside. I know the plan, but I will decide how I want to handle the guards and Catriona."

"We will follow your lead, m'Lord." Niamh bowed followed by the guards around them.

A deadly smile tugged at Hamdi's lips. "No one's going to get in your way, Van. You just find Amani. Marie and I will make sure the press and the police are there when you need them."

Van nodded and secured his axe on his side. He felt that old tingling rage unfurl in his gut. The same rage, passion and spirit his parents forced him to suppress. He was terrified to go back to that bloody cage they kept him in, but nothing would stop him from getting Amani back.

My little witch has brought back the beast in me. 


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