Chapter 77: Amani

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"Girl what the hell has been going on over there?" Jade yelled into the phone.

"What do you mean?" She laughed as she leaned against the headboard and pet Nova's head.

"Um, the last time I spoke to you, you were going to Spain, and I had to hear from one of Tye's groupies that Lady Fife invited him there. What the hell happened?!" she shrieked.

"Oh...that's a long story."

"Mm-hm and I popped some popcorn. Spill it, 'Mani."

"Alright, I'll tell you everything, but can you promise not to scream in my ear?"

"If you have to ask me that, you know I'm screaming in your ear. Now, go on," she huffed.

Amani shook her head and told her about the dramatic trip to Spain and how she punched a Lord in the face. She laughed at Jade's series of 'Oh, no he didn't' and 'I would've punched his sorry ass too.' Amani held the phone away from her ear when she squealed after revealing that she and Van shared a kiss.

"I knew that shit was going to happen! So, y'all dating in secret now or what?"

"No, you know I won't do that. If I'm with someone, it's just me and him. I'm not going to do the shady shit that Lady Fife does," she grumbled.

No matter how tempting it is. I'm not doing that.

"Oh, is she already cheating on him?"

"We don't know for sure, but I'm going to find out." She grinned. "Van's letting me get payback for that bitch inviting Tye to Spain."

"Van, huh? Calling him by his first name too? That was quite a trip. So, how did you get rid of Tye? I haven't heard one peep from his goons about it."

"I have no idea..." Amani frowned. Van never told her how he got him to leave. He just said he did what he needed to. She wasn't sure what that meant, but if Tye wasn't talking about it, Van must've scared the shit out of him.

"Hm, well, I definitely like him for getting that piece of shit out of your hair. I can't believe Lady Fife did that. Ooo, but I wish I was there to see the look on Tye's face when he met Lord Blarcum."

"Speaking of being there, what are you doing for Christmas?"

"Just the usual, Christmas dinner with my family. Why? Are you coming home?"

"No, my mom is taking the boys on that church trip to Disney and she didn't invite me or want me to come."

Jade sighed and Amani knew she was shaking her head. "Your mom kills me sometimes. What are you going to do for Christmas then?"

"Well, I wanted to know if you'd like to come visit me?" she said and held the phone away from her ear save her eardrums from Jade's excited scream.

"Girl, you know I wouldn't say no to that! Do I get to meet Lord Blarcum too?"

"Probably not. He has to go to Lady Fife's family gathering, but you'll get to meet Marie and Hamdi. We'll be spending most of our time with them in Florence," she told her and pulled the phone away from her ear again.

"Italy?! You know I've always wanted to go there! I'm down! When do you want me to fly over? I can buy my ticket with my next paycheck," she gushed.

"Nope, this is my treat. I promised I'd fly you over here, so Merry Christmas."

"You're the best bestie ever! Aww I'm so mad I won't get to meet Lord Blarcum."

"Well, you might. He's determined to get Lady Fife to let him leave the gathering. He said he'll meet me in Italy, but I highly doubt that woman will let him go."

There was silence on the other line for a moment. "Mm, I think I'll get to meet him. From what you told me about you two, I don't think he'll let you ring in the New Year without him."

Amani's cheeks burned up to her ears. "Maybe, but there's no way Lady Fife will let him leave. She'll want to keep him all to herself."

"She might but Lord Blarcum is going to get out of it. I bet you fifty bucks his ass will be there before midnight on New Year's Eve."

Amani grinned. "I'll take that bet."

Jade had no idea what Lady Fife was like. She wasn't going to let him go.

But I really want to lose this bet.

"Don't act like you want to win this bet, girl. You know damn well you're hoping he gets out of that gathering."

"Maybe, but I know it's not going to happen and I really shouldn't be feeling like this about him. He's a taken man."

"Oh my God, you're stupid. He doesn't even want to be with her. He acts like he's dating you more than his fiancée. You're not doing anything wrong having feelings for him. So, you two kissed a couple times, it's not like you fucked him."

She choked out a laugh. "That's true and that's not happening," she said and fanned cheeks. She'd had a hard time not thinking about that since he mentioned the next time he slapped her ass it wouldn't be out of anger.

Goddamn. I can only imagine what that would be like.

"Mm-hm, got you fantasizing about it right now, huh?"

"Shut up, Jade." She laughed. "I need to go to bed. It's late for me."

"Sure, yeah. You have your vibrator with you?"

"Jade!" She shrieked. "I'm hanging up now. I love you."

"Sweet sexy dreams! I love you too, girl."

Amani hung up the phone and shook her head as she placed it on her bed side table. Jade was a mess, but she wasn't wrong. The thought of what that man could do in the bed got her hot and fucking bothered.

She pulled her blanket over her, careful not to wake Nova next to her. She slid her hand over her panties and rubbed her fingers over the lace covering her clit.

A little fantasizing never hurt anyone...

A little fantasizing never hurt anyone

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