Chapter 45: Amani

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Amani sighed as she pushed open the door to the kitchen. She was bored. There was nothing for her to do. She finished sending the paperwork to the Chairman, she had a conference call with a new small business looking for an investment, and she didn't have a lesson with Arthur and Rory because they were out procuring new equipment for the farm. She sighed as she slid onto a stool to watch Lydia busy herself around the kitchen.

"What's the matter, love?"

"I don't have anything to do. I'm bored." Amani pouted as she rested her cheek on her fist.

"Mm." Lydia grinned. "You're not bored, you're just missing m'Lord."

Amani's eyes grew wide and she coughed out a laugh. "I-I am not, Lydia! I don't miss—no. I'm just bored."

Dear God, is it that obvious?

She thought she was hiding it pretty well. She groaned internally. She missed him the moment he left the office. This was awful. She shouldn't feel like this and furthermore, it was the damn weekend. Two damn days. He ignored her for longer. Her heart sank, but at least he was here when he was ignoring her. He wasn't off preparing to propose to another woman.

Cut it out, Amani! Get him out of your head.

Lydia chuckled softly. "Whatever you say, Miss. I'm making some pies if you want to help?"

"I'd love to! I love baking." This was the perfect distraction. She'd just bake all day and maybe Lydia would let her cook dinner too. Food always made her feel better. Amani popped off the stool and grabbed an apron off the wall. As she was tying it around her waist, the kitchen door burst open.

"There's no time for baking! We're going shopping!"

"Marie! What are you doing here?" Amani laughed as the bubbly blonde crushed her with a hug.

"Hamdi and I are staying for the week, remember?" She giggled.

Amani frowned. "Yes, I remember, but you're not supposed to be here until Sunday."

Marie's eyes filled with mischief. "Yes, but it's Rebecca's party tomorrow and you're coming as my guest."

Amani's heart thumped and her eyes grew wide. "I...I'm what?"

Lydia squealed and clapped her hands. "Oh that's wonderful, Mrs. Hakimi! She needs to get out of the house."

"Marie, I can't go to the party. The invite says staff are prohibited from attending."

Marie rolled her eyes and snatched the apron off Amani's waist. "You're coming as my guest, and that means you're not staff. You'll be treated as an equal, one of us snobby Mionlach, for the night."

An equal...? One of the Mionlach?

She couldn't go to that party and be one of them. She had no place in that world. She should just stay in her lane. It was sweet of Marie to want to include her, but she couldn't go.

"No, thank you, Marie. I'm not going to crash the party. I'm not meant to be there. I don't belong there," she said as she took a step back from her.

"Oh bollocks, Miss Blake. You're going. The Mionlach aren't that special. They're no better than you," Lydia huffed and wiped her hands on her apron, "Lord Blarcum should've gone with you instead of pandering to that bloody woman."

Amani's eyes grew wide and a blush scorched her cheeks. Marie snorted and burst out laughing next to her. "Well said, Lydia." She looked at Amani and grinned. "You can't argue with that. You're going."

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