Chapter 82: Van

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Black lace. Why did I agree to let Marie make that bet with Amani?

Van couldn't keep his eyes off her. Just seeing her after the week he had with Rebecca was tempting enough. And now she just looked bloody irresistible. He grinned and let his eyes wander over the intricate lace that fanned over her breasts The whisper of skin that peeked through the sheer fabric made his groin tingle and his heart nearly fell out of his chest at the sight of the thin lace strap that lined her bareback.

Bloody hell.

He just wanted to grab her supple ass and take his time undressing her lace-covered body. There was no way he was going to get through this night without touching her. Not with her looking like that. Not when all he could think about was that damn book.

I'd like to wrap that mane of hers around my fist and—

"You're gonna lose if you keep staring at me like that." Amani giggled from across the table. Her hand was poised over her red cup waiting for her turn.

Marie decided they would play 'Flip cup' a type of drinking relay game. She claimed it would loosen them up for a long night out. It certainly brought out Amani's competitive side. A soft laugh escaped his lips and he shrugged. "I don't know. I won the last round staring at you. I think it's a good tactic."

She scrunched her face. "That's not going to work this time. We're winning this tie," she huffed and turned to Jade to yell at her to hurry up before Arthur beat her.

"Fuck off!" Jade squealed and desperately tried to flip her cup over. Marie was jumping up and down next to her cheering her on.

Van laughed and looked over Arthur's scrambling form to Hamdi's amused face. "Americans." They muttered.

"Honestly, I don't get why we can't just drink." Hamdi chuckled and took a sip from his glass.

Marie glared at him. "Because this is fun! Don't act like you guys don't love playing these games too. You never say no."

"Because you won't let us, woman!" Hamdi roared with laughter just as Jade screamed in victory.

"Go! Don't let them win, m'Lord!" Arthur said, urgently pushing at his arm once he finally flipped his cup.

"Alright." Van chuckled and picked up his cup. He drained the contents and lined it up on the edge of the table. He looked at Amani frantically trying to flip her cup over and he couldn't stop the laugh at burst from his lips at the sheer determination on her face.

"Shut up, Blarcum, and stop looking at me! You're going to lose!"

"We'll see about that, little witch." He grinned and joined her race to flip the cup over before her. He didn't care about winning this. He'd already won everything he wanted. One night to forget his lingering engagement and spend it with the gorgeous woman in front of him. This was by far the best New Year's he'd had in a long time.

Amani, Jade, and Marie burst into a victorious roar when her cup finally flipped over. "Ha! I told you! You guys lost!" Amani exclaimed and did a little victory dance.

"Oh damn, we lost." Hamdi chuckled and snapped his fingers. "Does this mean we can go out now?"

"Yes, but now we get to go out with bragging rights!" Marie laughed. "Come on, ladies, it's about time we get to dancing." She slipped her arm through Hamdi's as they made their way to the door. Jade and Arthur followed behind them and Van smiled at the way Arthur hesitantly slipped his fingers through Jade's. He still couldn't believe Arthur was here without Rory.

Amani wrapped her arm around his and pressed her body against him. "Shall we go?"

In that brief moment, he wanted to tell her 'no' and throw her over his shoulder to have his way with her.

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