Chapter 70: Van

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Van was pissed the fuck off. That piece of shite Tye had been there for two days. Two days too bloody long. Matter of fact, everyone in his house had been there too fucking long.

It had been an endless booze fest and photo session every day. He glared at the top of Rebecca's head laying against his shoulder. She was laughing and smiling with her damn groupies crowded on a chair next to her. They were eating up all her lies about their love life. He fought the snarl that itched to spread across his face.

Her damn chair is too close to me.

He looked at Nova lying between his legs. Her body was so tense and her eyes were glued to Amani and Tye sitting on the other side of the pool. Nova wouldn't go near Tye, but she always had her eyes on Amani wherever she went. He sighed and pet her head as he looked across the pool at Amani.

His jaw ticked at the look on Amani's face. She was exhausted. The honey in her eyes was gone and the faint smile on her face looked pained. It was as if all the joy had been drained out of her and it was Tye's fault.

Van gripped the glass in his hand as he stared at Tye. The man presented well. He was good looking, charismatic and he knew how to charm those around him. Even some of the socialites were taken by him. Van wasn't stupid; he could see through that fake persona. Tye was an opportunist. Amani was a perk, but he really came here to cajole the wealthy for some ulterior motive.

Van overheard Tye mention he wanted a private audience with him to Amani a few times at dinner last night. Then he proceeded to make a snide comment about her clothes and her hair. Van took a sip of his whiskey and clenched his teeth. That fuckwit told Amani she looked too wild to be in their presence. Van nearly got up and punched him in the face for that, but he knew if he made a scene, Amani would've been mortified.

He couldn't do that to her. Not to mention Rebecca would've speed dialed his mother to tell her all about it.

And there goes my life and my chance to get the fuck out of this.

Van watched Amani stand from her chair. She ripped her robe off her seat and stormed away from Tye into the house. Nova scrambled off the lounge chair and took off around the pool too follow her. Van glared at Tye and the Mionlach staff around him. They were laughing at her retreating form as if they didn't care that she was upset. Tye shrugged and looked at them as if he were shocked that Amani was mad. Van didn't know what the fuck Tye said to her but he knew one thing.

That piece of shite is leaving *today*.

Tye locked eyes with him and nodded. Van grinned and returned the gesture.

And I know just how to scare the fuck out of him without making a scene.

He watched the con excuse himself and slowly walk around the pool towards him. Van couldn't believe the audacity of this man. Tye just upset his little witch and decided this was the ideal time to speak with him.

Tye is bold, I'll give him that much.

"Lord Blarcum," he greeted with a perfect smile as he eased himself into the chair next to him.

"Tye," Van replied and took another sip from his glass.

"This is a nice place you have here." Tye smiled as he leaned back in the lounger.

He's starting off with compliments. Con artist 101, but I'll bite.

"Thank you." Van sighed. "So, I heard you wanted to speak to me?"

A sly grin spread across Tye's smug face. "I would love an audience with you, if you're willing?"

"Why not? I'll listen to a pitch or two. I'm looking for some new investments." He shrugged and held up his glass. "Do you like whiskey?"

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