Chapter 41: Amani

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Amani padded across her room as she massaged some moisturizer in her hair. She looked at her bedside clock. It was seven in the morning. Lord Blarcum was usually done checking on the hens and should be going into the stables next. That was where she planned to confront him. She thought it all out in her head. She was going to march up to him and demand that he signed the paperwork. She'd refuse to leave until he did.

She pulled on a pair of black jeans and a loose-fitting grey sweater. She tied her hair on top of her head in a loose bun and sat at her window.

She'd bite her damn tongue and try not to cuss him out for ignoring her. Even though that was all she wanted to do.

Don't get your ass fired, Amani.

She could do this. She wouldn't let her emotions get the best of her. She'd just get his signature and leave his grumpy ass alone.

She watched the farm and waited for Lord Blarcum to emerge from the chicken coop and go into the stables like he usually did. She frowned and looked at her clock again. Where was he? She waited a few more minutes and saw Rory emerge from the chicken coop and follow Lord Blarcum's daily routine.

Something wasn't right. He wouldn't let Rory tend to the horses before he did. Maybe he was still in his office. She grinned. He'd be easier to corner there. Her heart clenched. As long as he wasn't still throwing axes around.

She took a deep breath.

You can do this, Amani.

She slipped on her sneakers and picked up the black folder on her desk. She took another deep breath, opened her door and went downstairs.

Scotland had universal healthcare, so if she did get maimed by an axe or whatever else he was 'redecorating' with at least she could get free medical attention.

Sure, yeah, that's the spirit, Amani.

Her hands shook as she neared his office. The axe blades were still poking out of the door. Why was she doing this again?

Get a damn grip, girl.

He may be formidable, but he wouldn't physically hurt her...right?

She shook her head and reached out to knock on the door.

"L-Lord Blarcum?" her shaky voice called. She cleared her throat and called his name again only to be met with silence.

"He's been in there all night, Miss Blake. Don't think he's going to answer you," Megan said as she walked down the hall carrying a tray of cleaning supplies.

"Has anyone checked on him?"

Megan's eyes grew wide. "Oh no, Miss. We don't bother m'Lord after one of his fits. Best to leave him be." She hurried down the hall and moved as if she were afraid to be so close to the ravaged door.

Amani frowned. No one checked on him? All that calamity last night, he could've hurt himself. 

I know damn well that idiot was drinking.

She wrapped her hand around the door handle. She let out a slow breath. Someone had to see if he was alright. She slowly opened the door and her eyes grew wide.

What the fuck...?

There were shards of glass, cracked porcelain, and shreds of paper littered all over the floor. The curio cabinet next to her was pushed over and smashed in front of the fireplace with a sword jutting out of the back of it.

Her mouth was agape as she took in all of the damage and her eyes settled on Lord Blarcum slumped in his chair. A longbow laid across his chest, a bag of thick wooden arrows spilled across his desk and an empty bottle of whiskey hung from his fingertips.

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