Chapter 59: Amani

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Amani smiled to herself as they slowly trotted across the field back to the stables. She couldn't believe Lord Blarcum took her to his hideout and said she was free to use it too.

Lord, what is this man doing to me?

He took her out to that beautiful cottage in the middle of that breathtaking landscape and made her promise to tell him about Tye.

What the hell was I thinking agreeing to that?

She didn't want to tell him. She didn't really like talking about herself except to Jade. Plus, it was embarrassing and she felt stupid for even getting upset about it. Knowing Lord Blarcum, he'd probably want to say something to Tye and that was the last thing she needed. She'd just have to pray he didn't ask her about it anytime soon.

"Amani?" He chuckled next to her.

"Hmm?" She blushed, turning her head to look at his amused face.

Shit, was he talking to me?

"Well, space cadet, I asked if you plan to keep my jumper?"

His jumper?

She looked down at the black sweater she was wearing and laughed. "Yeah, I'm not giving this back." She looked at him. "I hate wearing a coat and this is really warm, so I don't need one. It's perfect."

He smirked. "And you weren't going to ask me for it? What if that's my favorite jumper?"

Her eyes grew wide and a blush burned over her cheeks. "Oh. I didn't think about that." She giggled. " your favorite? I wouldn't want to steal if it is."

He shook his head. "Steal it? You can't just take my stuff, little witch."

Ooo, that nickname! It's so cute. It makes me fucking melt.

The fact that he even had a nickname for her made her want to squeal like a damn school girl. "I mean, you can always take it back. It's not like you don't know where I live." She rolled her eyes and her heart stuttered at the smile that spread across his face. His green eyes were shining so bright. She'd never seen that dazzling smile before.

"That's true. I do know where you live. You can keep the jumper. I don't mind." He chuckled and looked toward the manor. The beautiful smile fell from his face. "Bloody hell, that woman is crazy," he grumbled and turned Charlie toward the back of the stables.

Amani quickly followed after him and looked toward the manor just as Lady Fife walked out the door. Her head was swishing back and forth as she scanned the farm. "Oh shit, Blarcum! You're in trouble," Amani hissed, stopping Max behind the stables next to him.

He groaned, running a hand over his face. "This is ridiculous." He sighed and looked apologetically at her. "I hate to do this to you, but I have to stop Rebecca before she comes into the stables. Can you stay here until I get her back inside?"

"Yeah, it's fine. I understand, just go," she said, pushing his shoulder in urgency. If that woman caught them out here together, that was it. Lady Fife would probably run her mouth to his mother and she'd stake this place. Amani wasn't going to let that happen, not after he told her about his grandmother.

"Okay, I'm sorry." he said, but he wasn't moving.

What the hell is he doing? He's just wasting time!

"Fucking go, Blarcum," she growled, pushing his shoulder again.

"I'm going." He laughed, riding into the stables, but not before he looked back at her and whispered, "good night."

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