Chapter 72: Van

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Van had been smiling all damn day. It had been a long time since he'd enjoyed himself like this. He decided to take Amani and Nova on a scenic drive around Andalucía. He chuckled to himself at the angry look on her face when he took her hiking through the trails in Ronda.

Nova was all too happy to run through the rocky paths, while her mother grumbled and cursed under her breath about wanting to be on the beach. The sarcastic verbal beating Van endured all the way up the mountain was worth it when they reached the summit and Amani's eyes filled with awe.

He'd never forget that look of pure joy and wonder on her face as she took in the city nestled at the top of the mountain that overlooked the gorge below. He'd been to Ronda a few times, but it was so magical with her. It was like seeing the place for the first time again.

Amani dragged him around the outdoor markets. She picked up trinkets and gifts for Jade and her family. He wasn't a fan of shopping, but he wasn't going to complain. It was the happiest he'd seen her since they came to Spain and it was even better that she never let go of his hand the whole time.

Van smiled to himself as he leaned against a small bar to wait for his order. His mind drifted to the drive he took her through the Sierra De Las Nieves on their way back to Marbella. She made him stop the car so many times so she could take pictures of the scenery around them. Her sheer excitement and appreciation for the 'adventure,' as she called it, was so damn adorable. Amani was so passionate about every little thing. At one point, she made him stop the car in the middle of a mountain pass, just so she could listen to the silence. She claimed there was an ethereal beauty listening to nature. He loved watching the joy on her face and the enthusiasm she had for the simple pleasure of the drive.

A blush burned over his cheeks. Love. He had to slow the fuck down with these feelings. Amani was right, they needed to keep a boundary between them.

But hopefully not for long.

Van would be scheduling a private meeting with Gregory Ganson when he returned. A little blackmail would have Gregory voting in his favor. That was the only good thing about Tye. He might not have found that information without that piece of shite.

"Sorry for the wait, Señor," a deeply tanned, white-haired old man apologized, and sat two glasses on the bar. "I hope you and tu novia are enjoying yourselves?"

My girlfriend. I wish, old man.

Van picked up the glasses and grinned. "We are," he said and looked at Amani leaning against the bow of the boat. She was staring out at the ocean while Nova stood next to her wagging her tail and biting at the waves. "Thank you for taking us out on such short notice."

"Ahh, it's no problem. I love being on the water and sunset is the best time," the man said and pushed his shoulder. "Go, enjoy the evening con tu amor."

Van nodded and a blush stained his cheeks as he slowly walked toward Amani.

With my love. I don't know about that yet, but—

His thought trailed off when she looked over her shoulder at him. The honey in her brown eyes was so vibrant in the warm glow of the setting sun.

But, bloody hell, I'm definitely heading that way.

"Apple juice? Really?" She laughed and took her glass of rum and coke from him.

He looked at his cup and shrugged. "What? I'm driving."

She raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure that fact has never stopped you before."

"True, but I didn't have two precious items in my car to worry about either."

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