Chapter 23: Van

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"It's alright, Maximilian. I won't leave you alone tonight," Van cooed as he pet Maximillian's mane to keep him calm. The horse slowly lay down and clenched his teeth in Van's shirt as pulled him down in the hay next to him.

"Looks like I'm sleeping here tonight." Van sighed and looked around for a blanket. Charlie trotted to the gate dividing them, popped his head over it, and dropped a red wooly blanket from his mouth into the pen.

Maximilian jumped and neighed in worry from the sound, but Van held him tight. "It's alright. Charlie's just trying to help," he said as he tugged the blanket over him.

And people wonder why I prefer animals over them. 

He didn't even have to ask Charlie for a blanket. He just knew because he was a good and loyal friend. "Thanks, Charlie," he said, lying against Maximilian's side again.

Maximilian looked at him and nuzzled his face against Van's hair before he rested his head on the hay, but kept his big brown eyes on Van. He gently stroked Maximilian's head to keep him calm. 

This should be Amani's job. This was her horse to train, so why was he out here sleeping with him? He stared at the ceiling. She wasn't here because he dismissed her, like an idiot. Van wasn't the one Maximilian wanted. He wouldn't stop neighing and whining after Amani went inside. It took him ages to settle him. Maximilian was just tolerating him for now.

Van looked at the somber horse. His eyes were still full of worry as if he'd never see the curly haired beauty again. "She didn't abandon you, Max. You'll see her tomorrow, I promise," he whispered and closed his eyes.

I'm absolutely shattered.

It was a long day going to the auction and then getting the new horses settled. It had been a long time since he's had to sleep in the stables too. He didn't mind it. Sometimes he felt more at home here than in his own bed.

"Who said you could call him, Max?" Amani's amused voice filled the quiet space. His eyes popped open to find her standing against the gate.

Maximilian neighed excitedly as he stood up to greet her. Van failed to react to the sudden movement and groaned when his head smacked against the floor.

"Oh, Maxy, that wasn't very nice." She laughed as he eagerly pressed his face into her cheek. Van sat up on his elbows to watch them. He'd never seen a horse attach itself to someone so fast. What was it about this woman?

Bloody hell. She looked a right mess, dressed in a pair of black leggings and an oversized grey jumper that hung off her shoulders. Her curls were tousled around her head as if she'd just been wrestling with her pillows. Yet, that damn woman still looked beautiful.

"What are you doing out here so late?" he grumbled as he stood. She poked her head around the horse to look at him and he noticed her eyes weren't their usual bright and happy brown. She looked...sad or worried.

"I...wanted to see Max." She nodded as if that answer was good enough.

It wasn't. She shouldn't be sad or worried about anything. This would not do. He smirked and checked his watch. "You wanted to see him at one in the morning?" he said as he leaned against the gate to watch her pet Max.

She scrunched her face and glared at him. He fought the smile itching to spread across his face. At least her eyes didn't look so sad anymore.

"Yes, at one in the morning. What are you still doing out here? Shouldn't His Majesty be getting his beauty sleep?" she scoffed.

"I'm tending to your horse and will you stop calling me 'Majesty' or 'Your Highness'? I have never liked those formalities and it's not proper," he growled as he opened the gate and gestured for her to come inside.

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