Chapter 79: Amani

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Amani waited patiently for Jade to walk through the arrival gates. Her heart thumped as she watched Jade roll her massive suitcase through the gates behind her. Amani couldn't stop the excited scream that burst from her lips as she ran across the floor to her. "Jade!!! I'm so glad you're here!" she cried as she crushed her best friend with a hug.

"Me too, girl!" Jade laughed and grabbed her cheeks. "You look good, 'Mani. You look happy."

"Thank you, that's because I am happy." She grinned and slipped her arm through Jade's. "Come on, I can't wait for you to see the manor. You're going to love it!"

"Welcome to Stornoway, Miss Jones," Gerard said. "Let me take your bag, love." Jade's eyes grew wide and she looked at Amani in confusion.

"I had the same reaction." She chuckled. "This is Gerard, Lord Blarcum's driver and it's his job to take your bags. Don't fight it."

Jade frowned at her and shook her head. "No, it's alright I can—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Gerard slipped her suitcase handle from her and began wheeling her bag to the entrance. "It's no bother, lassie." 

"He just—Amani!"

Amani shrugged and slipped her arm through Jade's again as they followed behind Gerard. "I told you not to fight it, Miss Jones."

She snorted. "I can't believe he called me that. It's so proper."

"You're telling me. I still don't like the staff calling me Miss Blake." She rolled her eyes. "But Van insists. It's so annoying."

A grin spread across Jade's face. "Oh, you think I can call him Van too?" she said as she slipped into the open car door.

"Um, I'd call him Lord Blarcum unless he tells you otherwise, which he probably will," Amani said, getting into the car after her. "He told me to tell you he's sorry he couldn't be here to greet you."

"That was thoughtful of him. I'll give him bestie points for that." She nodded and fastened her seatbelt. "I really hope I get to meet him now," she squealed and clapped her hands.

"I guess we'll see."

"I-I can't believe you live here!" Jade squealed as she jumped on the bed and moaned at the softness

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"I-I can't believe you live here!" Jade squealed as she jumped on the bed and moaned at the softness. Amani laughed and plopped on the bed next to her and stared at the golden canopy above them.

"Yeah, sometimes I can't believe it either." She sighed and pet Nova who scrambled on to the bed next to them.

Jade looked at her and raised her eyebrow. "You sure do seem at home here though. I mean you have a dog and a horse. You're really making a life here."

A blushed scorched her cheeks. " feels like home sometimes. I miss my family and you but I just feel more like me here."

Jade sat up and slapped her leg. "Well, come on then. Show me your home, Lady Blarcum."

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