Chapter 38: Van

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Van watched her leave. He really wished she didn't see the newspaper. He saw a flicker of hurt pass through her eyes when she saw the picture. It made him feel terrible.

This is good, Blarcum.

He didn't like it, but it was true. It was good that she was hurt. It meant she'd keep her distance from him. It would keep her safe.

He was brought out of his thoughts by his mother setting a little black box on his desk. He frowned. "What's that?"

His mother grinned and opened the box. "This was your grandmother's engagement ring."

He stared at the massive glittering topaz diamond. If she thought he was going to propose to Rebecca with his grandmother's ring, she was out of her mind.

"No." He shook his head. Besides Lydia and Benny, his grandmother was the only person who treated him like a son. He'd never disrespect her by putting her ring on the finger of someone he didn't love.

"What do you mean, 'no'?" She scoffed. "This ring is perfect, giving Rebecca a family heirloom will make this second engagement look much more serious," she continued. "You're going to propose to Rebecca at the party. It will be so romantic."

Van pushed the ring away from him. "I'll agree to propose to her, but she's not wearing Nana's ring."

His mother rolled her eyes. "As if you still call her Nana. She made you so soft. You're proposing to Rebecca at the party with this ring.."

"I'll get another ring. She's not wearing that. I don't love her and Nana knew that. It's why she wouldn't give me her ring back then."

"Fine, but keep the ring. Hopefully you'll change your mind. I'm happy as long as you make her your fiancée. I want to start planning this wedding."

"You just want to start merging financial accounts."

She grinned devilishly. "Well, yes, that too, but she needs your last name first."

His mother truly didn't care that she was forcing him into a loveless marriage with a person he physically couldn't stand anymore. All so she could fulfil her dream. She could care less about how this affected him.

"You're unbelievable."

"No, I'm smart and I know how to play Mionlach games. You'd do well to start learning them yourself, Van." She tapped her nail on his desk in annoyance. "Where is that girl with the tea?"

Benny slowly opened the door, carrying a tray of tea, coffee and biscuits. Van frowned. Where was Amani? Did she desert him? How dare she shirk off her duties to Benny. His jaw clenched. He did not dismiss her.

"Where's Miss Blake? Does the American not know how to make tea?" His mother smirked before he had a chance to open his mouth.

"Miss Blake gives her apologies, but there was an emergency in the stables she needed to attend to," Benny explained and sat the tray on the desk.

"What--" Van started to ask but was cut off by a loud scream and the trampling of feet coming from outside. He whipped his head toward the window. Amani and a couple of farmhands were running down the steps to the stables. He could hear Rory and Arthur barking orders and trying to calm Max. The horse had broken free of his stall and was kicking and thrashing at the farmhands gathering around him.

Van's heart sank to his stomach. Amani had no idea what she was doing. She was going to get herself hurt! Why would she run directly into danger like this? He stood from his chair and glared at Benny. "Why didn't anyone come to me?" He growled and raced for the door. "You're all fired!" he roared as he ran down the hall to the fields.

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