Chapter 17: Van

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Van picked through the bag of clothes sitting on his bed. He pulled out a navy and light blue argyle vest, tan slacks, navy and white gloves and golf shoes. He chuckled as he plucked out a navy flat cap too. Amani had really thought of everything. He was used to sending his assistants back to the shops to get gloves and they never remembered a flat cap.

His eyes fell on the red sale tag on his vest and frowned. He had more money than he knew what to do with. Why would she shop from the clearance rack? That definitely would not do. He picked up his phone from his bedside table and took a picture of the tag.

Van >>What the hell is this?<< 

He angrily typed and sent the message. Why would she insult his wealth like that?

Amani >>A clothing tag.<<

His jaw ticked. Was she trying to be funny?

Van >>You bought this on sale.<<

Amani >>Yes...Does His Majesty not like sale items?<<

His Majesty. 

His jaw clenched. He didn't like it when she called him Lord and he definitely didn't like 'His Majesty.'

He got up from the bed, stomped across his room and yanked the door open to march down the hall to her bedroom. He hammered on her door and heard her scurry across the room. She opened the door and his heart slammed against his chest. He immediately regretted his decision to confront her.

Her bouncy curls fell over those cute glasses and big brown eyes. Her cheeks were puffed, as if she were biting them to hide her blush.

But that wasn't why his heart nearly stopped.

She was wearing a short black night shift that stopped just above her knees. The cotton fabric hinted at the curves of her waist and bosom. A thin black robe hung over her shoulders and arms, but it did nothing to cover that voluptuous body of hers.

Fuuuuuuuccckk. Why did I do this? Why does she have to look like *that*?

"Lord Blarcum?" she said as she pushed her wayward curls out of her face. 

He scowled at her. It angered him that she could elicit those feelings in him. "I have enough money to afford clothes at full price. What are you doing shopping from the sale rack?"

Her surprised eyes hardened into a glare. "I'm well aware of how much money you have, Lord Blarcum." She smirked as if she were annoyed by that fact. "I bought your vest on sale because I didn't like any of the full priced ones. Your sale priced gloves and shoes are a better brand and quality than the full priced items that were on the shelves. And," she carried on, sliding her hands to her hips, "since I didn't spend the whole budget on golfing attire, the money I saved added another grand to your equestrian budget. I thought you'd like a bit more to spend at the auction tomorrow."

Van frowned. She couldn't have saved that much on the golf budget. There was enough money for her to buy her attire and equipment.

"That's not possible. Did you get your equipment? You have to attend and participate in the tournament too," he said and she rolled her eyes at him. This woman had no fear.

"I know that. Gerard is letting me borrow his clubs."

"No." He growled. She wasn't borrowing clubs. If that was what she'd saved money on, she probably didn't buy proper attire for herself either. "What did you buy for yourself?" he grumbled as he pushed past her and barged into her room, ignoring her protests.

He spied a black bag sitting on her bed and tugged it open to sift through the clothes. She'd bought a navy and light blue argyle vest and a tan tennis skirt. Her golf shoes and gloves were navy and white and the same brand and quality as his. He nodded. At least she'd bought proper attire, but he still didn't want her borrowing clubs. That just wasn't the done thing.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Amani yelled.

He looked at her and smirked. "Making sure you bought proper clothes and didn't skimp on your attire, like your golf clubs." 

Her honeyed eyes darkened and he swore steam spewed from her ears.

"Well. If you're satisfied, Your Highness, can I have my underwear back?"

"What?" he scoffed and followed her eyes to the black lace knickers hanging from his wrist. His cheeks burned up to his ears at the sight of the intimate garment.

What the fuck?!

How did those get there?! He gulped and slid the lace from his wrist. She quickly grabbed them from his hand, shoved them back into the bag and she laughed.

"I-I'm sorry, Amani," he said and bowed his head in shame. He marched out of her room and closed the door before she could say another word.

Fuck! What the hell was that? How did her knickers get... 

He groaned as he wiped a hand over his face. He didn't need to see that. Not that sexy lace underwear.

Get that shit out of your mind, Blarcum. 

He shook his head and walked back to his room. Oblivious to the doors quickly closing as he passed.

 Oblivious to the doors quickly closing as he passed

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