Tender and Innocent (Yoongi)

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request by my wattpad soulmate, 92BHYUNS 😎😎hopefully this one was worth the ten year wait aha
Third Person
"I'm sorry son, but this has gotten way too out of hand! I understand where you're coming from but you have to focus on your studies!" Yoongi's mom desperately whined, trying to get through to her rebellious son. It's as if high school chewed him up and swallowed him, then regurgitated him and out came a completely different guy. He is no longer focused on his lessons, and struggles greatly with academic subjects like mathematics and physics. The only hope for him now is whatever his mother is choosing to intervene with.

"But eomma you have to just let me be, man like I don't give a shit about school, since when has it mattered, it's not important, nor is it needed. Ugh." Yoongi sighed, taking a bite out of his breakfast and staring blankly at the salt shaker on the table. He could practically feel his mother's heavy glare, like a boulder sitting on his side. She clicked her tongue and put down her chopsticks, facing him with a stern jaw and stone cold eyes, something he inherited from her and now uses to his advantage to get what he wants.

"One, you do not use that kind of language in this household. Two, I'm putting my foot down on this 'school's not important' idea, and I'm getting you a tutor who'll be here first thing tomorrow. You are not spending your weekend wasting away with your wannabe playboy friends, and you are coming straight home after school today to tidy up that room of yours. You hear me?" His mom sighed, and took Yoongi's hand in her's. "You hear me?!" She spoke louder now, through gritted teeth and squeezed her son's hand, her suffocating angry aura wrapping around the whole room.

"Yes, okay, fuck!" Yoongi detached his hand from his mother's grip, earning a "LANGUAGE!" as he grabbed his bag and bolted out of the dining room. "Bye!" He waved his mom off, earning an angry reply from his mother as he grabbed the doorknob and stepped out, locking the door behind him, getting in his car and nosediving into the unimportant bullshit he considered school to be.

"What's up grumpy pants?" He was greeted by the ever cocky, ever exhausting Park Jimin. Third youngest of their group of seven. "Would you shut the fuck up before you get my foot lodged into your mouth for eternity?" Yoongi replied, plopping down on their designated outdoor table, littered with inscriptions like 'Bangtan boys- fucking shit up since '13' and 'KNJ KSJ MYG JHS PJM KTH JJK, BTS!' All brought to you by their resident artist and jack of all trades, Jeon Jungkook.

"Jimin, I advise you keep your distance from this bundle of angst. It's probably his mom again." Hoseok waved his hand dismissively, patting Yoongi's shoulder with superhuman force repeatedly, an everlasting cocky smile plastered on his face that stole the hearts of everyone in the building.

"Hey, cheer up big guy! We'll get you some good happy juice, and a nice girl to spend the night with, if you know what I meannnn~" Taehyung chirped, nudging Yoongi on his shoulder and winking. "No. Can't do that tonight, eomma wants me home as soon as possible to tidy up. I have a tutor coming in tomorrow, so no weekend shenanigans either." Yoongi stated, coldly rapping his ringed fingers against the wooden table.

"Jeez. Since when have you become such a momma's boy, hyung?" Taehyung whined, tugging on Yoongi's sleeve, his top lip completely engulfed by the bottom in a pout. "Shut up. I'm trying to clean up my act a bit okay?! I'm not becoming a momma's boy." Yoongi pulled Taehyung off of his sleeve, swinging his bag over his shoulders and walking away from the group. Just then, Kim Namjoon, the leader of their posse showed up. That just leaves Kim Seokjin, and Jeon Jungkook. The eldest and youngest.

"Woah woah, ladies. Who started the cat fight here?" Namjoon said as he set his bag down, taking a seat in between Hoseok and Jimin. "Do I need to remind you that calling us 'ladies' isn't funny anymore and your tie is on backwards?" Yoongi turned around and spoke to Namjoon with a sulky expression.

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