Not a fling (Dean X Reader)

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"Wow, Lazarus just rised" I say "Was that for me?" Dean asks "What do you think? You've done nothing but lay on my bed and eat while Sam and I are actually working. And now my bed is full of chips and I'm too tired to clean it" I yell at him "Oh yeah? I'm sorry princess" he says pissed "Screw you Dean" "Oh I will. Not like others" he says and leaves. How the hell does he know? But I'm not letting him just walk away.

"Oh no, he is not getting away with it" I say and I follow him outside. He was ready to get inside the car "What did you say?" I ask pissed "The truth" he says "Oh yeah? Should I be sleeping around every night like you do? Or I would be a hore if I did that? What do I need to do to make you finally respect me?" I say yelling the last part "I tried play along, I tried to ignore you, I tried to say no. What do I need to do in order to make you stop this stupid flirt that screams 'I want to get in between your legs' and start treating me like a person?" I yell at him. He just stands there and looks at me with a sad look. "You have nothing to say now?" I ask and he just looks down. "You better wish not to see me again or else if we meet again, I don't know if I will be able to contain my anger enough so I would not hurt you" I say and I go back to my room.

I stuff my bag and I get ready to leave. I go to my car and I throw my bag inside. I get inside and I drive away from Dean. But after a few miles I had to stop. I pulled over on the lonely road and I got out of the car. I wiped quickly a tear that escaped my eye. I take a deep breath and I try to blink away the rest of the tears but I kinda failed. More and more tears were streaming down my cheeks. I hit a couple of times the hood of my car due to my anger and frustration I was feeling. I heard something behind me so I turned around. A strong hit on the side of my forehead was the last thing I remember before falling on the ground unconscious.

God... My head... I groan a bit. "(Y/N)?" I hear a familiar voice. I open my eyes and I see Dean chained across from me. And that's when I realized that I am chained too. "Where are we?" I ask "I have no idea" he says. I look around and I can definitely see blood stains almost everywhere. "Good morning" a woman says when she comes in the room. "Let me guess, Veritas?" I ask her "Yes, nice to meet you too (Y/N)" she says. "Why are you here?" Dean asks "Because you two are making my life harder. I saw the two of you in the morgue and I couldn't let you go. But the good thing is that the couple will die together, right?" she says.

Dean remains silent "We are not a couple" I say "Oh really? I thought that you were. I mean look at him (Y/N), how could you resist?" she asks but I don't answer "Ok, here is the tea. Tell me (Y/N) how do you feel about Dean?" she asks. I try to remain silent but her power became stronger. "I'm in love with Dean. I've been since our first case. He is so freaking skilled, handsome and badass. He is not afraid of anything and that's what makes him even sexier. At first I was playing along but without giving him what he wanted because I was enjoying the attention he gave me. I knew that as soon as he took what he wanted, he would leave so I was trying to keep him close. But everytime it was getting harder to resist so I started to ignore him which didn't really worked out. That's when he came out of the shower with just a towel around his waist I thought that I wouldn't be able to hold back. And what I did today was the hardest thing I've ever done. I blamed him for my leave when I knew that it was all my fault. I chose to stay and I caused it to myself". A few tears were streaming down my cheeks. I looked down at my feet. I couldn't look at Dean. I was embarrassed. I just confirmed to him that I'm pathetic.

"See? It wasn't hard" she says. "How about we let Dean talk now?" she asks but a sound from outside the room made her leave. "(Y/N)--" Dean starts saying "Don't. Please don't say anything" I say still looking away from him. He managed to untie himself and then he came to help me. But I couldn't look at him. I was too ashamed to do it. "We don't have to talk it, let's just get out of here" he says and I nod.

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