Instagram (Jensen X Reader)

Start from the beginning

*I apologize if any of the above usernames is real. If it bothers you because it matches to yours, leave a comment and I will change it immediately*

Of course there were these comments. They shouldn't affect me but I can't just ignore them anymore. What if they are right? What if this is just something that Jensen is gonna regret soon? I grew up in a small town and I was working at Sephora until two years ago that we moved in together in Austin and I started working on supernatural. And they are right, if it wasn't for Jensen I wasn't gonna be on the show. I am nothing while he is a successful actor.

"Babe? Why are you crying?" Jensen asks. I haven't noticed that he came back "It's nothing" I say and I wipe my tears "No, it made you cry so it is something" he says and sits next to me "I'm fine Jay" I say. He takes the phone from my hands and looks at it. "They are not right and you know it" he says. I nod looking down at my hands. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and I lay my head on his chest. "Why are people so mean?" I ask "Because as padackles_updates said they are jealous" he says "Yeah, wait until you see my DMs" "Oh, I'm not just going to see them but I'm gonna answer too" he says and he does.

After a few messages that he responded to with videos, that were pretty hilarious to me, I saw a familiar user's name. I'm gonna kill you bitch. That was it said. "Wait, wait..." I say to Jensen "don't send anything to him, please" I say terrified "Why?" "Crazy ex. Please skip this" "Ok, ok, calm down" he says and I nod and I take a deep breath. "I think that it's better if I--" I start saying but he cuts me off "No, you're coming with me tomorrow" he says "Jay, they obviously don't want me there" "Are you crazy? Wait here" he says and leaves the room.

He comes back carrying the laptop with him. He opens it and searches in youtube for my panels. "Look at this" he says and starts the first video. "Look how they are screaming for you, remember how they are acting when they come for autographs or photo-ops" "Only because you might be there or--" "Or they love you like I do" he says and kisses my head "Everything is going to be fine. I made my choice and as my fans they have to accept it or else they can just leave" "Thank you, I love you" "I love you more" he says and kisses me.


The next day, I woke up, got ready and went downstairs to find Jensen that probably woke up early than me. Walking down the stairs, I can definitely smell eggs and bacon. "Good morning" Jensen says "Good morning" I say and I hug him from behind while he was cooking. "You're so sexy when you're cooking" I say "I thought I was sexy when I was in my suite" "You're always sexy" I say and I kiss his cheek.

After breakfast, we left the house and headed to the convention place. "Everything will be fine" Jensen says and takes my hand. I nod and we walk inside the building with Cliff that met us when we got out of the car. We went straight to our panel because Jensen and I were first.

"Ready?" he asks me. I take a deep breath and I put a smile on my face "Yes" I say "That's my girl" he says and kisses my head. "Welcome for the first time Mr and Mrs Ackles" we hear and we walk on stage. The crowd screamed 'We love you', 'You're the best', 'Cutest couple ever'. I looked at Jensen "See?" he says and I smile, really this time. 'Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss' we kept hearing. He walks to me and pecks my lips.


"Hi, my name is Lisa" a girl says "Hi" Jensen and I both say "First of all congratulations guys" she says "Thank you" we say again at the same time. I he looks at me "Stop coping me" he says "Don't flutter yourself" I say. "I love you both so much and I wanted to say to (Y/N) ignore the haters girl. You are beautiful and amazing and you don't deserve what is happening" as she is saying all that my eyes start to get watery "But you shouldn't let them affect you, because you have so many people that love you and some of us look up to you" she says. I get up from my chair leaving my mic down. I walk off stage to her and I hug her. "Thank you. I really appreciate it" I say "Your welcome" she says. I go back to Jensen and I sit on my chair. "When I'm telling her this, she just nods and now you hugged her?" Jensen says and I chuckle "Are you jealous?" "A little bit" he says "I love you" I say off the mic and I kiss him.

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