Gone (Dean X Reader)

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I couldn't just stay there waiting so I went for a walk. It enden up being a really long one. When I returned to the bunker, only Rowena was there. "Where is Lucifer?" I ask "He broke the spell and got free. Then he tried to kill me and when I pushed him bavk he might fell in the rift" she says "He what?" I ask "Now, I'm trying to find a way to keep the rift open for as long as I can" she says "Ok, let me help" I say and she hands me a book.

So many hours later and nothing. Absolutely nothing on how to keep the rift open. But before I could complaint, I saw random people coming through the rift. After a few of them I see Mary. "Mary..." I say and I hug her "Hi (Y/N)" she says as she hugs me back. The two of us were close and I really missed her to be honest. We pull away "Who are they?" I ask "They are the only survivors from the other world, they deserve a second chance" she says and I nod.

Cas and Sam come back "Rowena, close the rift now" Cas yells "No, wait--" but before I could say more the rift already closed. "No, no, no, where is Dean?" I ask but I get no answer. "Guys, where is Dean?" I ask and I can already feel the tears in my eyes. A tear rolled from Sam's eye "I'm so sorry (Y/N)" Cas says "No..." I whisper letting the tears roll down my cheeks. I wipe them off and I take a deep breath. "How?" I ask "We got into a fight with a weird kind of vampires in a tunnel" Cas says "We had a few other people with us and we were fighting. Then Dean yelled at Sam to get them out of there and wait for us outside. While Sam was getting the last of them outside, the vampires grabbed Dean and dragged him back with them. Sam run back and we tried to help him but when we followed them... There was too much blood on the ground. So, we went back and headed to Mary's location" he says "I kown I shouldn't have left them (Y/N), I should have stayed to fight with them" Sam says "You think?" I ask pissed. And with that I ran to my room and broke down.

For the last week I tried to be ok, I really did but I get pissed everytime I look at Sam or Cas. I just can't even look at them. They didn't even brought his body back. So, I just stayed in my room going through Dean's things. His guns, his photos, his tapes, his clothes, everything. I just couldn't let him go. Getting up from the bed, I notice that my make up was all-over the sheets and pillows. I think it's time to change them. To be honest I haven't changed them since my birthday.

I take off the old sheet and I throw it on the floor. While pushing the sheet inside the corners, I noticed that one side was a bit higher. I lift the mattress and I see a little red velvet box and a note. I immediately start crying and I kneel down. I take the box in my hands hoping that it will be just earrings or something else. But it wasn't. Inside the little box was a white gold diamond beautiful ring. I take the note and I unfold it. It had a few smudges but I could read it.

It's time for your birthday gift baby. This dinner was just a start.
     I take her hand
Since you came in my life, I found a reason to keep fight, a reason to be happy to wake up in the morning, a reason to smile everyday. You're the best thing that ever happened to me (Y/N). I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
    Now I kneel down and show her the ring and I hope for a yes.

Oh my God, he even wrote a script. I chuckle between my tears and I look back at the ring. I get up from the floor and I pack a few of my things. I put the little box in my pocket and I get out of my room. "Where are you going?" Sam asks "Wherever I want" I say and I close the door behind me. I get inside baby with my second keys. "Sorry baby but I have no idea where the normal keys are, neither where he is" I say and I am ready to cry again. But I hold it back and I start driving.

I got out of the car, taking my bag with me, and walked to Jody's door. I knock and she opens. "Hi, I really need a place to stay because I can't be in the bunker right now. If you don't want me here, I could go to a motel" I say with tears streaming down my cheeks "No, come in" she says and I do. She hugs me and I hug her back. I start to cry "I need him really bad" I say between my sobs "I know" she says and rubs my back.

We sit on the couch. "Sam told me that at the beginning you tried to act normal but then you seemed pissed everytime someone talked to you" she says and I nod. "I found this before coming here and I just couldn't stay in there any longer" I say and I show her the little box. "(Y/N)..." "He was going to propose, he had even wrote a script on how he was going to do it. And now he's gone. I want him so I can tell him the big yes, to let him know that I will froever love him" I say. "How about you go upstairs and take some rest. Well talk about it tomorrow, ok?" she says and I nod.

The next day I wasn't in the mood for getting out of the bed. But Jody forced me to and laso go for a wlak with her. We sat on a bench next to the park but none of us talked. "Forgiveness is a powerful thing (Y/N)" Jody starts saying "...not only to make the other person feel good but to heal you. You need to forgive Sam, forgive him for not being Dean, forgive him for being the wrong Winchester just enough to remind you of what's missing but not enough to bring him back. That's not his fault, you need to forgive him. You don't have to like him again, you don't have to love him again, just forgive him. So you can forgive Castiel for being there when a wrong decision cost you your boyfriend. To forgive Dean for dying too soon, to forgive yourself for hating him for dying too soon. Let it go (Y/N) and forgive" she says and I stay silent.

I drove back to the bunker and I ran inside. I found Sam in the library but because there were already too many people there, I took his hand and dragged him inside my room. "What happened (Y/N)?" he asks "I forgive you. I know it's not your fault but I was mad at everybody for what happened and I need to forgive them so I can move on" I say and he hugs me "I'm glad you do" he says. We sit on the and I lay my head on his shoulder. "I found this under the mattress" I say and I hand him the ring. He wraps his hand behind my back "We'll get through this together, ok?" he asks and I nod.

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