Loss- Part 2 (Dean X Reader)

Start from the beginning


We both hear the knock on the door. Connor gets up and shuts my mouth before he locks me in the bathroom and goes to open the door. "Oh hi, how can I help you?" I hear him say "Is (Y/N) home?" Dean asks "No, actually I'm trying to find her since this afternoon" he says "I thought she was--" "Do you want to come in? You might seem useful" "Cristo" I hear Dean say. Crap.

I try to untie myself but unsuccessfully. I try to scream through the bandana but it doesn't seem to work either. "(Y/N)!" Dean yells and I try to scream but he probably can't hear me. Suddenly the door breaks and Dean comes in. He takes the bandana off my mouth and helps me to untie myself.

But the demon throws him out of the bathroom. "Dean Winchester... Fascinating" he says. I untie myself completely and I walk slowly to him. He grabs Dean by his neck and lifts him up. I take the angle blade that was thrown on the floor and I stab him. Tears are already streaming down my face as I hear his scream.

I pull the blade out and I fall on the floor with Connor's body. "(Y/N)?" he whispers "I'm here" I say and I place his head on my lap "It's ok" he says "No, it's not. I'm so sorry" "It's ok. Protect our little girl" he says and I nod. "I love you" he says "I love you too" I say and I rub his cheek softly until his eyes close.

"Dean..." I say "How can I help?" he asks "Take Kylie and get out of here" "What about you?" "I'm coming later" "Ok, I'll text you our motel" he says and I nod.


I drove to the motel Dean texted me and I knock the door of his room. He opens the door "Come in" he says "No, I'm taking Kylie and we are getting out of here" "She's asleep. Come in and rest until she wakes up, please" he says and I nod. I walk inside and I lay next to Kylie hugging her.


I wake up and I get up gently letting Kylie to sleep more. "Good morning" Sam says "Morning" I say "Dean went to get some breakfast" "Ok. I'm gonna go take a walk" I say and I open the door. "Wait" Sam says and stops me "What?" I ask getting out not closing the door completely "You need to talk to Dean. He is trying to figure out if you called him earlier or the demon made you" "Of course the demon made me. I had no intention to call him, let alone sleep here. I'm just trying to protect Kylie" "What do you mean you had no intention to call him?" he asks.

"‌I don't see what the big deal is Sam" I say "Are you blind (Y/N)? He gave up everything for you. He loves you more than you could possibly imagine. I've watched him cry and get drunk over you too many times. You've screwed him over time and time again and yet he still comes back to you. Because he loves you and you don't see it" Sam says pissed "I screwed him over time and time again? Have you any idea what he did to me? He was cheating on me after I lost the second baby Sam. It was like he gave up on me and moved on but left me behind. So you have no right to tell me that I screwed up with him Sam. He screw up, he gave up, he ended us, he destroyed me" I yell.

"Sammy, can you leave us please?" I hear Dean say behind me. Sam nods and goes back inside with Kylie. I turn and I look at Dean. "I'm sorry" he says and takes a step closer "I'm so sorry" he says. "I know that I hurted you and I know that I should have apologized a long time ago. But I didn't because I couldn't find you anywhere. I even thought that you died somewhere and at every hunt I had that terrible feeling that I'm gonna find you're lifeless body in the woods or in a nest" "Then I did a good job at hiding. Time to do it again" I say and I try to leave but he stops me.

"I still love you (Y/N)" he says "I don't care" I say "Then look at me and say it, say that you don't care anymore, say that you want me to leave and I will" he says. I turn and look at him. I open my mouth to talk but nothing comes out. My eyes get watery and I look away. "What the hell is wrong with me? You screwed up and I still love you. That can't be normal" I say "I know. That's why I'm asking for a second chance. A chance to make it right" "You're kidding me, right?" "No, I'm not. I love you and I want you and only you (Y/N)".

"What if it doesn't work out? What if we aren't meant to be? What if all those miscarriages were signs that--" but he interrupts me with a peck on the lips. He pulls a few inches away from my face. "Remember how I treated you when you were confused and stressed?" he asks "You would prepare for me a nice hot bath and then give me a massage" "And then?" "You lay next to me, wrap your arms around me and we would sleep together" I say "Wanna do it now?" he asks and I nod.


We checked in in another room while Sam sat in the other one keeping an eye on Kylie. I laid on the bed, clearly relaxed from the hot bath and Dean sat next to me. He started massaging my back and shoulders. His hands knew exactly where the stress and tiredness were so he rubbed harder there.

"Kylie seems so much like you, have anyone told you that?" Dean says "Yes, Connor was often joking that I got pregnant alone but sometimes she's acting like him which I think is really cute" I say and he chuckles "She is a really cute kid and it seems like you guys did a good job" "Thanks, we really tried to" I enjoyed every second of his hands being on my body again.

He laid next to me and hugged me. I enjoyed being so close to him again. "I love you and I want to make it right this time but I don't want to pressure you more" he whispers. "I love you too but I can't do this now. Connor just died Dean and he deserves to be grieved. He was a good husband and father all at once" "I get it. It's just that when I saw you having a normal life with a child, I got jealous because I was always dreaming this kind of life with you" "I know, we've talked about this a couple of times" "I remember" he says and looks at me.

His beatiful green eyes were looking into mines. "One, only one more chance to make it right or else I'm leaving" I say and he smiles "Deal" he says and kisses me. "I can't wait for you and Kylie to move in the bunker and I won't take no for an answer because you both need protection at this point" "Ok" I say and I smile.

A knock on the door interrupted our moment. Dean got up and opened the door. "Kylie woke up and was asking for (Y/N)" I hear Sam say "Bring her in" I say for the bed. "Come here" Dean says and takes her hand. He closed the door and brought Kylie inside. He helped her to get on the bed and she laid next to me. "Good morning baby" I say and I kiss her forehead "Good morning mommy" she says and hugs me "Where is daddy?" she asks "We'll talk about it later, ok?" I say and she nods.

She lays down and Dean does too. "Ok, I need to ask and hear it from you, is thre a chance that--" Dean starts saying "No, she's 100% Connor's daughter" I say and he nods. "Mommy?" "Yes?" "I'm hungry" Kylie says "I'm gonna go and make you some breakfast" I say and she nods. I kiss her and I move to get up but Dean stops me "Let me" he says and I nod.

He didn't only made breakfast both of us, he even helped Kylie to eat. I think they are going to do really good together overtime. "Kylie?" I ask and she comes to me "Remember earlier when you asked to me about daddy?" I ask and she nods "Daddy had a bad accident last night" "But he is going to be ok" she says and I feel the tears form in my eyes "No sweetheart, he's not. Daddy died baby" I say and she starts crying. I hug her and I start crying too.

"Is Dean going to be my new daddy?" she asks and I look at him "I haven't said anything" he says. "No one can replace your dad" I say and I wipe her tears "But Dean and I are going to try something to see if it works this time.  And that's one of the reasons why we are moving in with him and his brother Sam". "Can I call you daddy?" she asks looking at Dean "You can call me however you like princess" he says walking to us. "I like Dean. He did whatever I told him to when we play together last night and he sang to put me to sleep like you do" she says and I chuckle "I'm glad you like him baby" I say and I hug her.

We pull away and Kylie goes back to play with her doll. Dean walks to me. He places his hands around my waist and I put mine around his neck. "See? It wasn't that bad" he says "It was Dean" I say and one more tear escapes my eye. He hugs me and rubs my back. "I love you" he says "I love you too" I say and I kiss him.

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