Safe (Dean X Reader)

Start from the beginning

I open my eyes and the first thing I see is Dean. He is sitting next to me, holding my hand. "Hey, welcome back" he says softly and smiles. I take my hand away from his and I get up. "It's better if you lay down for a while" he says "I'm fine" I say and I walk past him. "Sam didn't make a deal" he says and I stop "He is on his way here now and then we'll go to Bobby's. Are you coming?" he asks "Sure" I say and I continue my way to the bathroom.

I take the razor blade out and I look at it. And that voice comes back Don't let him trick you again. He doesn't care about you. He is just sorry for you. He doesn't care about you. He doesn't care about you. He doesn't care about you. Nobody cares about you anymore. Every sentence became a new cut on my arm. I am not allowed to cry because I deserve this. I totally am. And with that I clean up and go out.

That time Sam came. He hugged Dean the moment he saw him. I smiled at the view. They pulled away and Sam came to me. "Are you ok? Dean told me that you were out" he asks He is pretending to care "Yes, I'm fine" I say and I smile as much as I could. "Are you ready to leave? I can't wait to drive baby again" Dean asks "Yeah, let's go" I say and I pack my duffle bag. We get in the car and I sit on the back seat. I put the hoodie of my sweatshirt on and I lay my head on the window.

I start waking up and I realize that I'm laying on bed. I open my eyes and I notice that I'm in my room in Bobby's house. I get up and I go downstairs. Bobby and the boys were reading something. "Hi" Dean says "Hi" I say weakly "I carried you to bed because you fell asleep on the way here" "Thanks" I say and I start walking to the door. "We found out how Dean came back" Sam says "Yeah, an angel brought me back" Dean continues. "Cool. I'll be outside" I say and I get out of the house.

Dean's POV
"Does she seem weird to you?" I ask the others "Definitely" Bobby says "Yeah. She started like that about a month ago" Sam says "Have you talked to her?" I ask Sam "No, I didn't get the chance to". "Is there any reason that might made her feel like she failed someone?" I ask "Why are you asking?" "Because when I first saw her, she thought that you made a deal and then she was having a panick attack I think. She was talking too fast and she was saying that she failed and that she was supposed to keep you safe" "I have no idea man" Sam says and I nod.

But then I got a terrible and terrifying idea. I get up and I go to (Y/N)'s room. I open her bag and I start going through her stuff. But eventually, I found out what I was looking for inside her tampons and pads bag.

Your POV
I sat there with my eyes closed trying to calm down and stop the tears from falling. "(Y/N)!" I hear Dean calling for me. "Look, I'm not in the mood for talking right now" I say "Then just watch" he says and shows me the razor blade. "A razor blade?" I ask trying to convince him that I don't know anything "Why is your blood on it (Y/N)?" "I was shaving my legs and I cut myself, it's nothing. I just forgot to throw it away" I say. But he quickly grabs my hand and pulls my sleeve up.

"Why (Y/N)?" he asks and I can see the tears forming in his eyes. "Because I deserve it. I'm weak and I need to become stronger. I need to learn to hold back my weak tears and deal with the fact that I'm useless" I say. "And that's the way to do it?" "It's the only one that works" "No, it isn't. I'm here, Sam is here, Bobby is here and we all want to help you" "I don't need your help. I'm dealing just fine with it" I say and I try to walk past him but he doesn't let me go.

"It's wrong (Y/N). You have to stop" he says "I can't stop. If I stop, I'll cry. If I cry, I'm weak. So no" "Then cry (Y/N). I'm here for you. Let it all out" "No. I've distracted you enough" "Distracted?" "You just pretend Dean. Just admit it. I'm useless. I tried to keep you amd Sam safe but I couldn't. I had one job and I screwed it up, for both of you. I failed both of you" "You haven't failed anyone. It's my job to keep you and Sammy safe. Not yours. But you did great while I wasn't here".

I felt a tear coming so I started running. I run inside but Dean was able to catch me before I reached the stairs. I screamed and screamed but he didn't let me go. He carried me down stairs and locked me inside the panick room. "No" I screamed "Dean" I screamed again but nothing.

Ok, ok, calm down. If he wants to play like that, I'll play too. I won't talk to any of them, I won't look at them, I won't eat and I won't cry until they let me out. If they want to play dirty z I'm gonna play too.

For the next two days they tried to talk to me and get me ti eat but I completely ignored them. I'm just sleeping all day. Today is the third day and I'm full of sleep, so I have nothing to do. But of course, Dean had to come in. Again.

I kept my gaze away from him. "(Y/N), you have to eat something" he says but I ignore him. He lets the tray down and sits next to me. But again I look away from him. "(Y/N) please" he says. He places his hand on my cheek and turns my head to him. But my gaze stays away from him. "Look at me" he says softly " (Y/N), please look at me" he begs. I turn and I look at him. He looks like he is hurting. Don't let him trick you again. He doesn't really care. He just needs you for your skills. "Please talk to me" he begs.

I get away from his grip and I lay down. He gets up and kneels next to my head. He rubs my cheek and looks at me. "I love you" he whispers. I just look at him. He doesn't mean it. I turn to my other side and I close my eyes. So, he gets up and leave.

I wanted to say it back. I wanted to say that I love him too. But I can't. And with that more tears came. No, no, no, don't cry. You don't get to cry. You don't deserve it. You don't deserve it. You don't... But I couldn't hold it back without hurting myself.

A tears fell. I run around the room trying to find something sharp enough to cut through skin. But I can't find anything. More tears fall. I get my sweatshirt off and I try to scratch my wounded arm. But my vision has gotten blurry from the tears. So I scratched and scratched until I screamed because I couldn't see any blood streaming.

Dean runs in the room and kneels next to me. He tries to stop me but I manage to open a couple of wounds. But I needed more. I deserved to hurt more. "(Y/N) stop" he yells. He takes my hands and tries to get my attention. I finally look at him. "It's ok, you can cry (Y/N). It's ok to cry. It's ok to feel hurt and not good enough. But you are (Y/N)" he says.

"You are amazing, beautiful, smart and the strongest person I know. You were there for me when Sammy died. You were there for Sammy when I died. You haven't left for a second from my side even if I didn't want you there. So now it's my turn. You can cry, curse, hit but I'll stay here because you are still going to be the strongest person I know. Nothing can change that. And that's why I love you. I love everything about you. Your smile can make me do anything, those beautiful lips of your that I have fantasized of a billion times, you're perfect body that is exactly how I like you and I don't want you to change anything. I'm in love with you (Y/N). I've always been" he says and I just look at him.

"It's ok if you don't feel the same way. I just needed to--" he says bug I interrupt him but crashing my lips to his. He seemed surprised at first but he kissed me back. I pull away after a few seconds "I love you too" I say and he smiles. "Let me patch your arm and then how about we lay down together? But after you eat something" he ask and I nod. "Great" he says and pecks my lips.

He lifts me up and carries me to my room. He took really good care of my wounds and then he brought me a whole pie. I smiled at him and I ate a few bites. Then he laid next to me and he hugged me protectively. I finally felt safe to be myself and cry. "I love you" I whisper "I love you too" he says and kisses my head.

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