Chicory's Mortal Dilemma

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The group walked on, fighting a few shadows along the way. Eventually, Madran began to notice that the floor was growing more and more eroded and rough, with several cracked tiles scattered about. Then, the background began to shift to dark shades of blue.

"Oh, well then. Um..."

Madran looked back to Chicory, who seemed to be happily walking along. He then looked up to Madran and gave her a very goofy look, as was normal with him.

"So, I think I know who's next. I feel that the shadows are in order of who joined the group, so..."

Yorick shrugged, and suddenly looked apprehensive, as Chicory looked ahead with a sort of worry on his face. Then, they made it to a door, and went inside. Margaret then activated the next memory, seeing a much younger Chicory inside a sort of cage. Madran instantly felt a sense of doom as she observed the puppy that was before Chicory. Then, Elia walked through, which riled up many of the other pets there, including Chicory. A man walked next to her, pointing out the various pets.

"We found that one abandoned by his owners. His mom had died, but we saved him."

The man pointed out a Dalmatian to Elia, and she nodded. The owner of the animal shelter then pointed out various other pets and told their sad stories, until he settled on Chicory.

"This one we found almost dead. He's been here the longest, and we might have to, well, euthanize him soon."

Elia knelt down by the cage, viewing the young Chicory.

"I think I'll have this one, please."

A small skip then occurred, and Elia was driving with Chicory in a kennel back to her home. Once they got there, Elia celebrated Madran's birthday with Chicory as the only present from her, and several other random things from Travert. However, Madran really only cared about the new dog and not the scooter (which Madran did admit that she had also asked for), and another skip took place. This time, Chicory and Madran were racing on the street with her on her scooter and Chicory keeping up with her. However, a car tore around the corner, and Chicory quickly pushed Madran to the side and got hit in the leg.

"That time, I was lucky... and the time after that... and so on..."

Several other flashes passed by showing Chicory getting into several situations where he might have died, like ingesting chocolate, a bookcase falling on him, and finally, when he was in Proctora's palace. However, Madran instead saw the scene from Chicory's eyes and not hers. As she, Philemon, and Madran fought off the Slimes, Chicory looked frantically between his owner, her persona, and the shadows.

"I was so confused. Why, if my owner could conjure up a spirit like that, did she not protect me earlier?"

Then, Madran saw Shadow Proctora point the gun at Chicory, and saw that he had made an attempt to dodge the bullet, but failed. Madran then let out a scream and ran to Chicory's side, and the present Chicory talked more through Yorick.

"At that point, I was faced with a question. Should this cruel fate finally overtake me, or would I defy death once more? As I saw Madran suddenly drop her guard, leave herself open to another shot from that wicked man, and run to my side, I was filled with indescribable anger at the whole thing."

Yorick's voice began to get more distorted, and Madran picked up a second signal in the room.

"Why me? Why was it my time to go now, and not all of those times ago?"

Madran watched as the past Chicory got up and Madran stepped away from him. Reverse Yorick then appeared next to Shadow Chicory. Reverse Yorick had a green, red, and blue motley outfit instead of the purple, yellow, and blue one, with a frown on his face instead of a smile.

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