A Digital Warzone

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March 3

Madran arrived back from school, having made great progress on her project with Ann. However, as soon as she got home, a new goal filled her head. This was to find out who was constantly pestering Elia. After Madran finished her schoolwork, she went off to her room and got on her computer.

"Ok. The first place to canvass would be Twitter."

Madran searched up the social media website and began to look around.


Madran thought for a bit. She then decided to search up Farjis. She found many things about how Travert's actions were a disgrace to the justice system, how Madran looked cute on TV, but one stuck out to her.

"Wait, I think I'm onto something!"

"And that is?"

Madran found one tweet that read, "OMG the justice system is so screwed up! It's like wherever I go, nobody takes me seriously."

"Interesting. It seems to have Elia and lawyers tagged."

Madran nodded to Nightingale's remarks, and clicked on the tag reading "Elia." She was then treated to a large amount of tweets, with the one at the bottom discussing how she was suing a few males who had apparently catcalled her. Madran watched the video attached. She was quite amused when she saw that the boys were just asking for directions in a rather loud manner.

"Catcalling, huh?"

Madran scrolled up. She then saw many complaints about Elia's law firm, how it was "ruled by the patriarchy' and many other complaints that sounded rather crazy. Madran screen-shotted the tweets, and then read the name or the person.

"Uh, Macie Smith?"

"Yes. That is her name, after all."

Madran clicked on the username, and came to the user page. It had her profile picture of a rather chunky, green-haired woman smiling with the feminism symbol taking up the background section.

"Goodness, that lady's threatening my mom? Gosh, I could blow on her and she'd be shot away."

"Well, let's see what she has to say about the world."

Madran began to look at her tweet history. Despite her profile reading that she was a feminist, Madran started seeing many signs of her fitting the bill of a "feminazi" that she had mentioned while walking with Elia, Maya, and Yukino.

"Gosh, this girl hates men with a passion almost as fiery as a forest fire."

"What could they have possibly done to her? I'm curious."

Madran scrolled down further, getting bored by how each tweet was much like the others.

"Like, I'm kinda a feminist, but I don't want guys to perish."

"True. This lady has a rather... bad view of the world."

Madran viewed tweet after tweet of Marcie yelling about guys, how horrible Japan was, her many movements that she supported, and things about The Bodacious Babes that made Madran want to cry.

"We're an icon of feminism? No, we're an icon of justice! Ugh!"

"Are you ok, Madran?"


Elia poked her head through the door.

"I found the woman who's been pestering you! She's Marcie Smith. A, well, SJW who has it all wrong."

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