An Eventful Day

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February 14

Madran was on her way to school, meeting up with Suga.

"Hi! Still no sign of Sheila?"

"Nope! She told me that she would be planning and attending the funeral for her grandfather."

"Hey, Madran, Suga?"

A male student who was also taking the subway approached them.


"Did you hear? This new crime fighting group called the 'Bodacious Babes' just took your dad out!"


"Yeah. He left his job after saying stuff like 'I have done a great evil to so many people' and stuff! They even have a website!"

"Wow! That's crazy! Dad hasn't talked to me, for, like, ever."

"Ouch. I heard that they were going after your mentor, Suga."


Suga kept a fake facade of surprise.

"Yeah! They called him 'an egotistical, sexist man who is undeserving of his easily-owned prestige.'"

"Yikes! I wonder what they mean?"

Suga knew exactly what this was about, due to Proctora's wishes to take over the medical world in Japan and turn it into what he had in his palace.

"I have no idea, but I guess we'll see!"

Everyone got off to go to their work or school, including the two friends. Once they got to school, a few kids from the track and volleyball team suddenly confronted them.

"Hey have you guys seen-"

"Nope! Bye!"

Madran charged off.

"I bet they were asking about Sheila."

"What part of 'dead relative' do they not get?"

Suga ran after her, and school commenced. It went as any Valentine's day might go, with plenty of couples doing rather hinting activities in the hallways and people asking the opposite or same gender out left and right, as well as slight talk of the Bodacious Babes. In other words, pandemonium. After school was finally finished, Madran and Suga felt exhausted.

"Goodness. Can those people stop making out? This isn't a Night Club!"

"The teachers weren't doing anything about it, too..."

Madran and Suga swapped complaints and went their separate ways.

"Hmm. So many people suddenly mentioning the Bodacious Babes, too..."

Madran arrived back home, walking into her house and seeing that Elia was drinking what was probably the fifth coffee of the day.


"Hello. So, Travert resigned, huh?"

"Yeah! I didn't see that coming."

"I mean, I thought that it was over then. Yikes."

"Yeah! People are talking about the Bodacious Babes suddenly! They even know about Proctora!"

"Well, I put it on the website."


"The whole speech thing was kinda wild. He was crying and everything, and mentioned the Bodacious Babes but not you, or Suga."

"Cool! Um, can I watch it?"

"It's on the news."

Madran turned the TV on. She saw the reporter talking about the recent announcement that Travert said, and showed certain clips to it.

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