The Fourth Letter of Warning

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March 12

Madran, after arriving back from school, quickly went to grab letter material. She also got Chicory to follow, and went to tell Elia of her current situation.

"So, tomorrow, you're going to change Marcie's heart?"

"That's what I hope'll happen! The inside looked pretty dicey once we all found the treasure."

"Well, I hope that you all do well. Plus, how convenient that this ends right on the cusp of the Inaba trip, hmm?"


"Well, we can discuss the plan after you're finished."


Madran ran off to the Velvet Room. Everyone else had already gathered.

"You're late."

"No, I'm just bad at being early!"

Madran put the letter, envelope, and pen down.

"Ok, so, who's writing it?"

Suga, Sheila, Margaret, and Elizabeth all put their fingers on their noses. Philemon then spoke up.

"Not it."

"Well, you're our writer! Um, sure, I'll dictate it."

Madran sat down next to Philemon.

"Ok. Dear Marcie Smith..."

Philemon began to write.

"You have committed the great sin of wrath by eagerly persecuting any person who you deem to not help the 'feminist' cause. Equality is not granted by a lack of it; it is instead found by getting along with the other gender. Wait, no, um, it is instead granted by pursuing the sameness and fairness between races or genders. Due to your horrid prejudices, you have been driven to strike down any man who dares to look at you, and try to ruin any individual who will not help your supposed equality. Therefore, we shall change your twisted heart, and shed a new light on the world for you. Regards, The Bodacious Babes."

Suga nodded.

"Goodness, was Travert's letter written with such fire?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Philemon finished writing, and sealed it in the envelope.

"Be prepared for tomorrow. Treat this like how you have treated the other infiltrations."

The group nodded, and then dispersed.

Later that night...

Philemon set off once again. Now, he flew to yet another house, with this one belonging to Marcie. Along the way, he grew conflicted. he was very aware that Madran was getting too close to the painful truth; of finding out who he was. He had never expected that one who was obsessed with the task that he gave her to divert her from the truth would lead her ever closer to it. Now, he felt just as he had when Maya and her posse had found out the truth.

"I never should have done this..."

Philemon eventually found Marcie's house. As he approached it from above, the last few words of an accomplice's rang in his head. Maybe, there was no point in living; for he may just resurface at his weakest moment. As he fluttered into the house, he was savagely attacked by more of these thoughts, until he made it to behind where Marcie was sitting. He then deposited the letter, and waited.

"Goodness, what now?"

Philemon watched as Marcie continuously checked her social media. This then brought about a variety of new thoughts. What could happen if that accomplice returned? Would humanity just be sent back into oblivion, like what had almost happened before?

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