Passing the Turns

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March 6

Madran had just gotten outside after school ended, but, instead of going directly home, she wanted to confirm a few suspicions of hers. Earlier in class, she had heard that the track team was falling apart due to them loosing a few of their top runners, like Ryuji. After some time, she found a student who looked to be in the track team.

"Oh, hey, Madran, what's up?"

"Um, what happened to the track team?"

"Oh, well..."

"Well what?"

"Gosh, you're pushy... um, it's not doing so well. Ever since that incident with Suga, Ryuji, and Mr. Kamoshida, the track team's been falling behind due to us loosing our top runner."

"Oh... I'm sorry..."

"Eh, it's fine, I was planning on joining volleyball."

"But, isn't that Mr. Kamoshida's team?"

"Oh, right, ha, I just want to stay in sports."

"Um, maybe you could try other things? I've heard that Mr. Kamoshida isn't really the nicest teacher..."

"Really? Well, many of the volleyball students have been coming down with serious injuries. I just thought that they happened outside of school, but it's much like a pattern."

"Oh, goodness."

"Well, tell Suga I said hi-"

The student looked past Madran, and turned a little pale.

"Uh, are ya ok? Um, I gotta go. bye-"

Madran turned around and bumped into someone who was behind them. The person also stumbled back, and Madran instantly realized what had happened.

"Oh, speak of the devil."

"Let's go."

"Oh, sorry! I gotta go, my mom'll think I'm goofing around."

Madran took off, getting as fast away as she could from Kamoshida.

"Uh, yikes. When did he arrive?"

"I have no idea. Oh, there's Suga and Sheila."

Madran stopped running when she found Suga and Sheila waiting together.

"Hey, Mad. Um, what happened?"

"Well, I was asking a track guy some questions, and frickin' Kamoshida came from nowhere. Geez, that guy's intimidating."

"Well, naturally guys a good foot and three inches taller than you would be frightening."

"Wait, he's THAT tall? Yikes."

"Um, let's go."

"Oh, and also Suga, the track guy says hi."

"Oh, is he that kid?"


"That one who I helped with biology earlier."

"Ok. Well, let's scoot."

The now reunited trio made their way back home, and into the Metaverse. Once they were there, Yorick instantly had something to say.

"Ok, so, I heard from Elia that you ran into trouble."

"Um, not really trouble per se, but Kamoshida."

"Isn't he that really mean gym guy?"


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