Sheila's Pure Rage

7 1 0

February 26

Madran was back in the Metaverse with the group. They had gathered in the latest Safe Room, and were discussing what to do next.

"So, there's only this entrance, right?"

"Yeah, I didn't see anything else around."


"Like, I woulda said something if there was."

"Good point. Well, should we move on?"

Philemon stood up.

"Hey, Philemon?"


"Why don't you take your claymore in with us? Isn't it better than a dinky Zio?"

"Zio is just fine. People don't tend to target me as much, as well."


"Maybe, because we're the ones in front?"

"That WOULD make sense..."

Suga got up.

"Well, I'm ready when you are, Fwoosh!"

"Well, let's move! Ready, Beauty?"

Sheila got up from petting Chicory.


Chicory ran around everyone, barking excitedly.

"Y'know, despite for him being five years old, he still acts like a puppy. In a good way."

"Yep! Ok, let's move!"

Everyone left the Safe Room. Madran began a scan, and picked up a frustratingly familiar signal.

"Hey... it's you again!"

Madran pointed behind her, and Nightingale utilized an Agilao. However, it simply torched the wall.


Madran intensified the scan again, and found that their follower, or "Junpei," was well hidden.

"Fwoosh, since they know that we're here and we can see them, wouldn't they have left?"

"Maybe, Plague, but this bitch is persistent. Have you done any research?"

"No, Baofu wasn't able to find anything on Junpei."


"Mom's sick, so I stayed home with dad and grammy to care for her."




Madran scanned more, searching for Junpei.

"Hmm... wait! I hear something."

"-hey're onto me. Again."

"Don't follow them as close! You're way too close, and that might endanger you."

A lower female voice was in place of Fuuka, startling Madran.

"Plus, Madran's using her persona to find me right now! Gosh, just the thought of that friend of hers getting near me makes me tremble..."

"Junpei, now's not the time for this. We must figure out how they do this change of heart, and confront them about this. Do you have any idea how this could upset society?"

"They've already done that, really. Have you seen the website, Mitsuru-san?"

Madran filled with elation, knowing that she had yet another name to look up.

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