All His Fault

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Madran, who was walking in an incredibly awkward silence, led the group into the next part of the catacombs. She felt rather relieved to see the lack of walls and psychedelic background again, and marched on ahead.

"Um, Nightingale, can I ask you something?"


"So, didn't the timeline reset again after Maya's group?"


"And, um..."

"Maya remembers? Yes, I had the same thought. However, it might just be her who does."

"Maybe, I should ask?"

"There's already enough chilling suspense about finding Philemon. We can save the questions for when it gets warmer."

Suga was the first to break the silence.

"Well, I'm glad to be out of that metal room. It kinda reminded me of Proctora's palace, yeah?"

"Yeah, it did. Hey, Fwoosh, are you picking up anything?"

"Um, well, a few shadows, and, once we walk a bit more, we enter a large room that looks pretty open."

"Cool. I think there might be one more memory, if Margaret isn't wrong."

Madran nodded, and hid around a corner.

"Ok, shadows!"

Madran jumped a sudden mummy that hobbled around the corner, starting a fight. The shadow turned into two Mokois and two Pisacas.

"Ok, Plague, hit 'em with wind!"

Madran utilized a Maragion, knocking the Pisacas over. Then, Plague attacked with a Magarula, which knocked the two Mokois over. Then, Madran initiated an All-Out Attack, which ended the fight.

"It feels good to be back in the swing of things. Let's go!"

Madran ran on, and encountered another shadow. She jumped it, which caused it to transform into three floating robots that had a weird, bloated, human-like form with a crown and orange compound eyes that appeared to be almost closed. The metal that its body was made out of was a deep blue, and it made low beeping noises. Madran then began a scan.

"Ok, this shadow is an Arahabaki! They are weak to Psi and Frei, block Kouha, Eiha, Mudo, and Hama, and reflect physical attacks and our guns. Alrighty, Clown, do your thing!"

Chicory directed a Mafreila at the enemies, which knocked them all over. Then, the group initiated an All-Out Attack, which killed all but one. The remaining Arahabaki looked at Madran and Nightingale, who were readying a finishing attack. It then cowered and spoke in a surprisingly normal voice.

"S-Spare me! I can guide you through the maze! Please!"

"Hmm. Hey, Rumor, whaddya say?"

Maya walked up to the Arahabaki.

"Well, if Fwoosh spares you, then you have to join us."

"M-Ms. Amano? I've heard great things about you!"

Arahabaki straightened up. It then changed into a persona card and went into Maya.

"Well, that was a success!"

"Hey, has any demon tried to take you out when you asked if it wanted to join you?"

"Well, sometimes, but it's the one usually being taken out after that, as long as it doesn't randomly use a Mamudo."

"Ok. Well, let's hurry on!"

Madran went along the rest of the way, encountering a few more shadows as well. During that, Nefertiti learned the power of Kougaon and Chicory gained Freidyne, which made Madran very excited. Then, they made it to another door.

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