The Doctor's Anger

15 2 2

February 12

It was after school, and Madran had already gathered everyone in the Metaverse. Philemon was tapping his foot, and Madran and Chicory were playing fetch with balled-up tinfoil. Bubonia was teaching Suga how to direct her around.

"So, you see, directing personas isn't as easy as it may seem."

"Well, Madran makes it look easy!"

"She's a natural. Now, dear, personas can form telepathic bonds with their humans. In these, we can use that to give each other advice, or, more, importantly, direct them."

"Can't you move on your own?"

"Yes, but only in place. You tell me where to go."

"Ok. Um..."

"You've done it before, only subconsciously."

"Ok, ok, gimme a sec."

Suga looked around. Bubonia began to rapidly dance around the room, nodding at Suga.

"Yes, yes! You're doing great!"

Bubonia then stopped, twirling around and halting.

"Um, does this have any affect on us?"

"Well, whenever I get hurt, you feel the same pain. If I get thrown by a different force, then there isn't much control."

"Hey, Madran, how do you do it?"

"Um, I just kinda think, like, 'go over there and use Agilao' or stuff like that."


Bubonia leaped through the air, landing back at Suga and using Garu.

"Like this? Um, do you guys have any freewill?"

"Well, actually, I did kinda lie, I can move by myself, but it's much better if you do stuff. It's like a drill sergeant giving orders, and then telling them to be at ease."

"Right. Well, let's go back to the Safe Room."

The group was transported by Philemon, and they walked out, arriving at the hall with all of the glowing fish.

"Wow. Where does he get all of this?"

"Well, this whole lab is made up of Proctora's distorted desires."

"So, he wants a bunch of tanks of fish?"

"That, and the want to have domination over the medical scene in Japan."

"Oh, right. I kinda forgot that."

Madran giggled, looking around.

"Well, there's an end to the tanks right there."

Madran pointed at a door. It was much like a small door to a closet.

"Gimme a second."

Madran did a scan.

"Ok! It isn't a trap or something."

"There they are!"

Madran looked around to see a bunch of lab assistants running at them. The group then entered the door, locking it behind them. They could hear the shadows pounding on the door, but they were safe for now.

"Ok. That was sudden."

"I might be to blame for this."


Philemon looked around in amazement. The area was now a large, circular pathway, dimly lit with dark blue and green lights on the sides.


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