The True Inner Self

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Madran went out of her room and pocketed her phone.

"Hey, mom, I'm going for a walk!"

"Ok! Call me if you get lost!"


Madran bundled again and went outside. She opened the Metanav app.

"Hmm. Enter a name, location, and corruption?"

Madran walked along the neighborhood sidewalk for awhile. Then, her phone rang. It was her dad, Travert Farjis.

"Uh... why did you call me at this time?"

"I just wanted to talk about something."

"Well? Um, let's talk."

Madran began conversing with her dad.

"So, who's life are ya tapping into now?"

"Madran, just wait until the case is finished."

"So, dad, how are you?"

"I'm good. How about you?"

Madran smiled.

"I went into the city with my friends."

"Madran, I've already told you that going there isn't safe."

"Dad, who would a creep bug, a group of girls or a girl?"

"My point is that-"

"What? I shouldn't be friends with someone so popular like Sheila?"

"It's Inan-chan."

"She doesn't mind if I call her by her name. We're friends!"

"Madran, could you please quit shouting?"

"I'm barely being loud. Like, I mean..."

"Anyways, I need to go."

"Wow, some daughter-father time..."

"I need to get back to work."

Madran watched as the excuse set any hope she had of trying to be nice with her dad up into the sun.

"Well, what about me?"

"Enjoy your walk."

Her dad hung up, presumably to go to his work place. She wondered why he even bothered in the first place, if he was to criticize her friend and then leave her when she spoke back. She then had an idea.


She opened the Metanav app again.

"Travert Farjis..."

The Metanav beeped. She then put in his home address. The Metanav beeped again.

"A corruption. Hmm."

Madran thought for a bit.


"Destination not found."


"Destination not found.

"Um... Mansion?"

"Destination found. Beginning route."

The Metanav screen then began to display red and black circles expanding from the center of the screen. They stopped, and Madran looked up.


The sky was a sickly purple. She looked around, seeing that she was where her dad's house was. However, the house was replaced by a massive mansion that stretched on forever. The houses around them looked like small huts. Philemon then appeared next to the house.

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