Battle for Access

9 1 0

February 27


Everyone was back in the Metaverse once again, and had all gathered around the door to the cognitive bedroom of Sheila's. Madran held up her flamethrower, turning to everyone else.

"Ok! On my mark..."

Suga got ready to bust the door down.

"Three... two..."

Sheila and Philemon got ready to fight. Chicory summoned Yorick.


Suga kicked the door open, and they all rushed inside.

"Hmm? Who are you?"

Three important-looking bouncers were all in the room. Once they saw Sheila, they all readied weapons.

"We're The Bodacious Babes, ready to steal your boss's heart!"

Madran pointed the flamethrower at them. The center bouncer nodded slowly.

"Well, you aren't getting anywhere close to this treasure. Attack!"

The bouncers all convulsed, and transformed into various monsters.

"Um, what the crap is that? Anyways..."

The left bouncer had turned into an angel-like lady, with long blonde hair covering her eyes, a fully nude body except for a few chains covering her breasts and area, and two large-ish wings. The right bouncer had become a blue, snake-like lady with long, black hair, a crest on her head, a spear, a shield, and some pink highlights at the end of her body. The center one, however, garnered the most attention from Madran. This one was a green slime with an open, miserable-looking mouth, and the tip of a male genital part as its head.

"Ew! What the crap?"

Madran responded to Suga's exclamation by scanning them.

"Ok! The left one's Angel, the right one's Naga, and the center is Mara. Angel's weak to Eiha and reflects Kouha and Hama, Naga's weak to Garu and absorbs Zio, and Mara's is strong to Agi, Zio, Garu, Psi, Bufu, Kouha, and Frei, and reflects Eiha. Please, keep all of that to memory, if you can!"

Naga then utilized a Zionga, almost hitting Suga. However, she dodged, and knocked her over with a Garula. Madran then used a Rampage, damaging all of the opponents a bit. Mara then spun around, and a spike came from nowhere and slammed into Yorick.

"Joke's on you! I resist physical!"

Yorick then used a Giant Slice, and Angel activated a Hama on Philemon. He dodged, and used a Debilitate.

"Try to use a Zio! We need as much damage as we can get!"

Sheila utilized a Tentarafoo, and Angel was sent into panic. Mara seemed very displeased, and hit her with the move he tried on Yorick.

"That's an Assault Dive! Heavy physical is applied by that move."

"Gotcha! Plague, do that thing!"

Suga utilized a Dia on Sheila, and Madran used her flamethrower on Mara.

"Let's focus Mara down-"

Angel and Mara both used a Dia on Mara, fully healing him.

"Let's focus down whoever has Dia!"

Philemon used a Tarukunda on Mara.

"I can't use Zio on anything! They either resist it or block it."

"Then, just use your other spells!"

Naga got back up, and hit everyone with a Mazionga. However, Philemon deflected it with a Makarakarn, hitting her, Angel, and Mara with it.

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