Running Amok

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Madran and the rest discussed what they should do throughout the rest of their time before they went back in the normal world.

"So, Madran, do you know how far it is to the next Safe Room?"

"Uh, I haven't scanned the next section."

"Ouch. Um, should we get going soon?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."

Sheila hopped up and went to the door. Suga and Madran followed, with Chicory filing close behind. Madran then turned back to Philemon.

"Hey, you coming?"

"Oh, right. Yeah."

Philemon stood up and followed the rest. Madran then made her way to the front of the group, and checked out where the Parvati and her Nekomata friend once stood.

"Ok, so, yep, stairs!"

Madran ran up the next staircase. Once there, she began yet another massive scan. The walls slowly turned a calming magenta.

"Ok, so, we gotta get partway through this room, and there'll be a Safe Room."

"Cool. Well then, let's go."

Suga walked up to Madran's side, and everyone advanced. They rounded quite a few corners until finding a large amount of shadows searching around the halls. Madran began to track their movements.

"Uh, guys, I found a door, but it says that we have to take out all 11 of the shadows in here."

Suga pointed towards a door. Madran nodded.

"Ok, then! Um, I have a feeling that sneak attacks are the best here."

Madran began to lead everyone in a small group around her. The hallways were wide enough to fit three people across and a dog, which only left Philemon walking behind. Madran speed-walked up to the first shadow, who had her back turned. Madran did her group-famous action of tapping the shadow on the back and tearing their mask off when then turned around, and got ready for battle.

"Ok! There's only a Lilim and a Decarabia! This should be easy."

Madran then relayed Lilim's many weaknesses to Philemon, Suga, and Chicory, and hit the Lilim with her flamethrower to demonstrate. She was knocked over, and Suga hit the Decarabia with her weapon. Madran then initiated an All-Out Attack, killing the Decarabia and Lilim.

"That was quick. Uh, I bet that these get harder."

"Oh, they do."

"How can you tell?"

"I just can."

Madran made a smug grin and walked on. She then approached the next shadow, jumped it, and waited to see what would happen. The shadow turned into two Apsaras's and one new shadow. She had dark grey skin, a white and pink half-kimono that only went down to her thighs, incredibly long sleeves that draped off into grey borders, pure white eyes and lips, four green and pink crescent-like baubles, with two on her legs and two on her head, and long white hair tied into two long braids. Madran finished the scan and gave out what she found.

"Ok, this chick is Kikuri-Hime! She's weak to Agi, absorbs Kouha and Hama, and blocks Garu. Finally, it's my time to shine!"

The Kikuri-Hime set up a Makarakarn right before Madran could hit her with an Agilao, which reflected it back. Thankfully, Nightingale simply absorbed the rebounded fire attack. Suga then utilized a Magarula, hitting the two Apsaras's but not affecting the Kikuri-Hime. Sheila then tried a Pulinpa on one of the Apsaras's, and succeeded in her attack. The now confused shadow directed a Mabufula at her team, not damaging the other Apsaras terribly but doing the opposite for the Kikuri-Hime.

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