The Third Letter of Warning

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Madran slammed the pen and letter things down, startling Chicory and Philemon. Sheila sat next to him.

"Well, since this is mostly related to me, let me write this."

"No, he could recognize the handwriting."

"Oh. Right."


Philemon picked the pen up.

"Dictate what you want written."

"Ok. Hey, Madran, which of the deadly sins should we put?"

"Well, duh, lust!"

"Oh, right. What were they again?"

"Um, pride, lust, wrath, greed, envy, sloth, and gluttony."


"Start it off with, uh, 'Dear Eregane Shiini...'"

Philemon began writing.

"You have committed the deadly sin of lust, by indulging in your perverted pleasures with women younger than twice your age, putting their jobs at risk if they do not comply with your terrible wants, and force them into secrecy. For all of them, and Sheila Inan, we shall steal those twisted desires and make your heart anew. From, The Bodacious Babes."

"Sounds cool."

Philemon put the pen down and nodded.

"Yes. This is the shortest one yet, however."

"Maybe because his horribleness is more straight-forwards than Proctora and Travert?"

"Yeah. Proctora hated his job, and wished to direct all of this pain onto everyone else, and eventually found fun in this crazed manipulation. Dad would destroy a person's chances at establishing a business if he simply wasn't in a good mood that day, or didn't like the person."

"Geez. So, what now?"

"You all need to get some rest for tomorrow. Treasure stealing is no small task. Usually, any fight resulting from that can take almost an hour to beat."

"Yeah! Shadow Proctora was crazy."

"That, and you almost peed yourself."

"Hey! What would you do if a scary mutant thingy appeared in front of you?"

"Not stand still."

"Madran, it scared you. That is that. Thank goodness your persona picked you up."

"Yeah, I don't like the idea of being eaten."

"Well, let's all head out. Tomorrow, we topple my agent."

"Ok! Goodnight in advance."


Madran and Sheila hugged, and they both left. Suga did the same, and Philemon was again saddled with the task of delivering the letter.

Later that night...

Philemon flew out into the Japanese night once again to deliver the letter. He began to feel some shame for this. Last time he flew around this much, he was observing humans as they fought against the evil that he never dared to betray, lest he keep his face. Now, he was assisting teenage girls in what boiled down to mind control. At least, they didn't mind it. Philemon made it to Shiini's house, noting that it was much different from Proctora's sad little hut. He flew in through an open window, unseen by the wicked eyes of Shiini. Ever since the fall of the darkness did humans turn their heads to him. He deserved it, after all, with his treachery against the very people he watched over.

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