The Prophecy of Maya

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(Real quick A/N, there are spoilers for the ending of Persona 2 Innocent Sin in this chapter.)

Everyone filed into the next room.

"So, guys, what's next?"

"A part that still haunts me to this day."

Madran, slightly disturbed by Maya's remark, nodded.

"Also, let me tell you something real quick. This is The Prophecy of Maya..."

"The what?"

"Hang on, it has massive prevalence in the story. Anyways:

The seven Pleiades set the frozen time free
Wild dance, shadowed festival, foreign song ensue
As flames of expiation light the heavens
The lion's roar echoes far and wide
Five skulls glow in the depths of the earth
The holy cross shines high up in the sky
Once the star comes to a complete halt
The Maia Maiden's heart stops with it
What then remains is paradise on earth
Marking the end and a new beginning.

"Huh. That's kinda spooky."

"Yeah. The Masked Circle, which was the group that Tatsuya and I worked against, fulfilled every part of this prophecy. Lisa was coerced into singing this prophecy, fulfilling the foreign song part, King Leo, who was that man who stabbed Tatsuya and burnt the shrine down, set four important buildings on fire via explosion, completing that part, Joker got all five of the skulls and we accidentally activated them, and Xibalba, which was the aforementioned holy cross, was risen by those skulls, and the Maia Maiden was killed, which completed it."

"So, Xialbaba stopped with the person's heart, and the world ended?"

"Yeah. That's what occurred."

"Um, Margaret, just activate the memory."

"Sure thing, Plague."

Margaret activated the orb once more, and the area around them changed to what looked to be five temples, with each having a different color, appeared. Philemon's voice then rang out again.

"As my five heroes went on, they all collected four of the skulls needed to power Xibalba, unintentionally activating it..."

Madran saw Jun defeat a few Longinuses with the help of everyone else and take a green skull. Madran then noticed something.

"Wait, where's Yukino?"

"She let Jun take her place."

"Um... ok."

Madran then watched Eikichi face his shadow and gain a blue skull, Lisa face hers and take a yellow one, and Tatsuya face his and grab a red skull. Philemon's voice then continued on.

"After everyone but Jun had faced their shadows, something frightening occurred..."

The scene turned to everyone standing in a red temple with Tatsuya holding a red skull. Maya's phone then rang, and Lisa was shocked by it.

"Aiyah! How does she get service here?"


Maya listened to the person talk and grew a shocked look on her face.

"What? What's happening?"

Maya summoned a different persona which took them from the temple. Madran then turned to her Maya.

"Hey, Rumor, what was that?"

"I have a wild card, yes? Well, I simply used a skill from that one and brought us from the temple."

"Oh, ok."

Madran then found themselves on the ground, and she looked to see that the area around them was rising.

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