A Change for the Better

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February 5th, 2015

Madran and Elia had waited for awhile, but still hadn't heard anything from Travert. Madran was beginning to get worried, and conversations with Philemon led nowhere. Travert wouldn't respond to texts or calls, and wasn't giving her his nightly texts either. Madran had spent the past few weeks being simply worried. However, after some time, she had made up her mind.

"Hey, mom, can we go to dad's house?"

"Hmm? Is this about the..."

"Yes, it's about the change of heart."

"Ok! Let's go."

Elia made sure Chicory was ok and drove over to Travert's house with Madran.

"Well, today's the day that he inspects my firm to see if it doesn't present any violations."

Madran mentally bit her fingers and got out of the car, knocking on the door.

"Helloooo? It's me, Madran. I also have mom with me."

After some waiting, the door opened. Travert was there, with a tearstained face and a warm smile.

"Oh. Well, come in. It must be cold."

Madran and Elia walked in, looking around the house. Travert walked up the stairs and got a few chairs out for them.

"So, how are you two?"

"Good. What happened?"

"I was working on a report when I felt a sudden coldness leave me. I then felt a sick feeling when I was hit with all of these memories of me talking down to you and Elia, making people's lives horrible, and a feeling of bliss came upon me. I then began to cry."

Elia smiled.

"Madran was all worried about you. She was like, 'is he ok?' and stuff."

Travert nodded and wiped his eyes with a tissue.

"Oh, and Madran..."

He hugged her.

"I've been horrible to you. I really don't know what happened. I guess, the thought of my power that I had in my job took over me, and I wasn't myself."

Elia nodded.

"Yeah. Um, do you want to know what happened, or are you fine just knowing that you are changed?"

"Well, is it easy to believe?"

Madran shook her head.

"Nope. Sometimes, the truth hurts more then legos."

"Ha, ha, VERY original."

Nightingale seemed to resent the fact that Madran used her own quote on the real Travert.

"Well, did you bring your paperwork?"

"How do you do the inspections?"

"Well, I normally wouldn't tell you, but oh well. So, I have to examine how they manage their business, and how it might be supported, and a bunch of other things. I also need to see how the person does their business."

"Cool! Should I go to the other room so that you can do this in peace?"

"Sure. Well, you can watch, if you'd like."

Madran sat on the couch to give them some space. Elia had been carrying a briefcase, and she began to answer questions with Travert and show a bunch of papers.

"This is a reality that you have created. Don't worry, I like it too."

Madran concentrated, trying to bring Nightingale out.

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