Kylux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Kylux!

*I cup his face gently, smiling at him then wrapped my arms around his neck gently to bring us closer* If Kylo is rude, I’ll just kiss you in front of him and it’ll make him go away. Always works when you two are arguing.

Hux: *smiles and chuckles* Yes, I suppose that does keep him away.

*I kissed his lips gently, then pulled away looking at him* We’ll be staying in a beautiful mansion, I made sure we’d have a private room all to ourselves for our...alone time *I winked at him with a giggle, taking his hand then began to walk out of my office* Come on, let’s finish packing since we only have a couple of hours left before we leave.

Hux: *blushes and smirks* That is quite important. *holds your hand and walks beside you* I'd rather have my servant droid pack so I can get the admiral I'm leaving in charge up to speed with everything while I'm away. *sighs* I hate leaving someone in charge of my work...

*Hours passed by, Hux and I were fully packed and already had our things on the shuttle, Kylo was loading his things, obviously irritated. Him and Hux were close to arguing before I interrupted* Alrighty, Mr. Ram-und has asked for us three urgently, stating it’s something big we all need to see. He’s the one hosting for us and letting us stay at his mansion. I’ve met him a couple times before, he is rather pleasant, smart and easily intimidated depending on his mood. It won’t take us long to reach the planet.

Kylo: Any time with you two is too long. *puts on his helmet and heads up the ramp*

Hux: Likewise. *rolls his eyes* This ought to be a fun trip.

*I watched the last of Kylo’s things load, letting him and Hux walk onto the shuttle first then I did. Once we were all settled and the shuttle was shut, it took off into space. I had put my sketch book, sketching out Millie sleeping on Hux’s face, the new kitten sleeping in his hat while Millie laid next to the hat, I noticed Hux looking, I smiled* Aren’t they so cute? The kitten has gotten big and she has Millie’s attitude. Like mother like daughter.

Hux: We're lucky Millie was so accepting of her. She's a perfect addition to our family.


Great replies MinxCoda!

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