Kylo Ren - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Kylo!

1: Use what you’re feeling as inspiration, paint what you feel. It can be colors, shapes, a person, anything. That’s how I paint, painting is a beautiful art I fully enjoy. *I looked at him, gently turning his face to me* It’s okay to speak your emotions Kylo. Don’t be tense.

Kylo: *leans out of your touch* I don't like to reveal myself like that. Some things are supposed to be secret for a reason.

*I placed my hand gently on his cheek, focusing my force to connect with his and send calming, warmth sensations to him through the force but only for a few seconds before I quickly pulled away* My apologies, you seemed upset so that’s how I usually help..Thank God it wasn’t any memories. You would have gotten embarrassing childhood ones. But...Do try and paint more, it helps.

Kylo: *blinks at feeling you and grabs your wrist* Don't use the Force on me unless you want it back. I can't promise it won't be as pleasant...

2: *Nods, taking out my datapad and typing away* Consider it a gift, since I want to surprise you.

Kylo: I thank you then.

3: Kylo, the doubt in your mind that Hux will leave me is unsettling. You may have known him for years, but he won’t leave me. I know a different side to him, a side you’ll never know wether you believe it or not. *I smiled away into my thoughts, holding the necklace in my hand, the crystal glowing lightly and should have for Hux too. Thankfully, Kylo didn’t see it since he was stuffing his face with cookies. I looked at him chuckling* I think anyone can do better than a cookie jar bomb. You could have called but you’re a stubborn person to actually ask me. Glad you like the cookies though

Kylo: That would be a no, I don't believe you. Hux is an ass. Don't be fooled. *munches on more cookies* So what other delicious delicacies does earth offer?


Great replies MinxCoda!

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