Kylo Ren - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Kylo!

1: That’s good you have an activity to pass the time with. *I tied the stitching perfectly once I finished, looking the cape over to make sure of any imperfections. I looked at Kylo* I’m sure you won’t do it but you’re welcome to come annoy me. Besides working, I’m usually painting, working out or practicing gymnastics. Even if you just need to vent or talk about some things, you’re more than welcomed.

Kylo: You want me to come annoy you? No one has ever said that to me before. *paused* You paint? what?

2: *Looks back at him, a smile pulling at my lips* Kylo, I’m not your baby sitter. I only keep tabs on you when you’re damaging something. You’re a big boy, you can care for yourself. *I took out a pen as a officer brought me a paper to sign, I signed the paper then pointed the pen at Kylo’s chest gently* Just as I may not know you very well, you don’t know me that well either. *I moved the pen, putting it away* That can change though if you so will it.

Kylo: *smirks lightly* I know what I'm doing. It's better I take my anger out on consoles or equipment than on people right? I could slaughter but I don't.

3: Oh she is not, she’s just a big fluff. *I set Millie down, watching her run out of Kylo’s bedroom* Kylo, you do realize I haven’t been here for very long and I don’t actually come into your room correct? Along that I rarely see you unless you want more cookies or you broke something.

Kylo: There is no need for us to see each other more. You're Hux's assistant-slash-advisor-slash-girlfriend-slash-whatever else. *pauses* Do you have more cookies?


Great replies MinxCoda!

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