Kylux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Kylux!

2: *Smiles, staring into his eyes giggling* What would I do without you?

Hux: Probably just live alone and be longing for someone like me. *winks*

3: I learned from a older boy in my squad when I was in training, he died in action unfortunately so he couldn’t finish teaching me. But it all has to do with balance.

Hux: Interesting. What other secrets are you keeping from me? *eyes you curiously*

4: Hux knows of my force sensitivity, as do these women who’ve I’ve met through the years. They’re here as witnesses and allies, as Hux is to prove a point

Kylo: How is this relevant to me? Why does it matter who knows you have the Force or not? Just makes your life more dangerous. The more who know, the more who can betray you.


Great replies MinxCoda!

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