Kylo Ren - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Kylo.

*I actually felt touched by Kylo’s words, I smiled slightly* Thank you Kylo, that means a lot. I always put great detail in my paintings. For me, every detail tells a story, gives expression and volume to the painting. *I walked over to the table, picking up gold, red and grey then walked back over to the stool.* It’s almost finished, I was gonna keep it in my art room and have it hung up since I didn’t expect you’d ever care to see it. But now, knowing you like it, I can give it to you if you’d like?

Kylo: I think the throne room would be the best place for it, so anyone that walks in can be reminded of my stature and importance here. *stares at the painting a little longer, hesitant, then points* I think a gold touch over here would really make the darker colors just pop out.


Great replies MinxCoda!

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