Resistance - Reply

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From JoeyKirkpatrickJr:

Replies to the Resistance

Poe, how's your T-85 X-Wing holding up?

Poe: Great! It rides better than anything I've ever flown before.

Finn, it's natural for Astromech Droids and BB Units to dislike Buzz Droids *James does a Tarantula Threat Posture while hissing*

BB-8: *takes out his electric welder, sending shocks at James*

Finn: *wincing* Come on, BB-8. Play nice. *trying to pull him away*

Rey, can I take you out on a date tonight?

Rey: *blushes* A date? I've...never been on one of those before. *looks away shyly* Flattering, but I probably should stay here and help the Resistance unload their new shipment.

BB-8, tell Leia that I will not give up on trying to bring Ben home

BB-8: *extends his mechanical arm and salutes*


Great replies JoeyKirkpatrickJr!

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