Kylo Ren - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Message for Kylo!: 

*I sat in a slightly medium sized room, playing soft melody music as I sat on a stool and painted on a canvass which laid on a easel. The painting was of Kylo, holding up his lightsaber in fighting stance lighting up his face. He was dressed like royalty and a warrior. The style was sorta like a tarot card. 

I cleaned my brush in a mug of water then wiped it on a rag. I looked at the painting, wondering what I could do. The reason I painted Kylo? He simply inspired me, his personality, behavior and actions. I sighed softly, getting up to walk towards a table with paint on it then immediately saw Kylo. I jumped a bit from being scared then sighed again* Pleasure to see you again Kylo, glad you could say hi.

Kylo:  I heard music and I was curious to see who was behind it. *looks past you to the painting* Is *steps forward and looks it over, studying it* I can't say I hate it, despite wanting to ruin your day. You do have quite a talent. I admire this, the style, the way you portrayed me, everything.


A compliment from Kylo is the highest honor ;) MinxCoda

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