General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Hux!:

Strangle, that hope is what we rely on right now..Hope, it better come through.

Hux: Strangle? Are we literally talking about strangling Kylo because I am liking your ideas more and more. so much more than what I showed you, but I couldn’t bring myself to show you all of it.

Hux: I don't know if I could handle all of it...that was quite enough.

I understand your skepticism of the force. I used to be as well, and then I found out I had it. And now, I hate it.

Hux: Mhm, perhaps we could use it to our benefit? There are so many things I've seen Kylo do. I'm sure you're capable of some of them.

*After a few long minutes, I contacted my allies and sorted it out. I walked over to Hux, already dressed in my night attire and placed my hand on his shoulder* Rest with me, my allies will be here tomorrow. *I took his hand, leading him into bed with me. I got comfortable under the covers, kissing his cheek gently* Everything will be alright, I promise. Sleep, we have a long day ahead

Hux: *wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you gently and trying to sleep. Sighing, he tried to silence his mind but to no avail. He stayed awake for a while, tossing and turning*


Great replies MinxCoda!

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