Kylux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Kylux!

*I placed my hand on the crystal as it glowed, letting Hux know so far I’m okay. As Kylo appeared, I moved my hand away from the crystal, gently leaning my elbow on the arm of the chair. I watched Kylo pull up a chair then sit down, I remained calm and staring at him without a change in my body movement or facial expression* I am here for you, tell me your concerns Ren so I may fix them if possible or needed.

Kylo: First of all, I don't think it's appropriate for an officer to challenge their superior. You want to talk to me, do it privately as we are now.

Second, if I'm having a discussion, no matter if it's argument, with one of my workers, Hux included, stay out of it. Any concerns can be approached to me after its over and done with. That was embarrassing and I don't like to be embarrassed in front of my men.

Finally... *his eyes fell onto your necklace* Tell me how you obtained a kyber crystal.


Couldn't quite think of a place for Hux to reply, sorry MinxCoda

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